Homeopathy for sore throats

Often sore throats begin with a scratching or itching in the throat area. A burning or stinging sensation during exertion is also a common first sign of inflammation in the throat and neck area. The pain is often intensified by swallowing or speaking.

In most cases, sore throat is caused by a cold caused by viruses. More rarely, bacteria can also be behind it. Other triggers for sore throat can be an allergy with a chesty cough or excessive strain on the vocal chords. Sometimes the most effective measure for sore throat is drinking enough liquid, as the moistening of the mucous membranes supports the body’s own immune defence. Furthermore, there are numerous homeopathics that can be used for sore throats.

These homeopathics are used

The following homeopathics can be used for sore throats:

  • Aconitum
  • Apis mellifica
  • Belladonna
  • Hyoscyamus niger
  • Hepar sulfuris
  • Lachesis
  • Mercurius solubilis
  • Phytolacca

When is it used: Aconitum is a very versatile homeopathic remedy. It can be used for headaches and sore throats, sleep disorders or eye inflammation. Effect: The effect of Aconitum is based on a support of the immune system.

The homeopathic remedy has an analgesic effect and supports various metabolic processes. Dosage: For acute severe sore throat, Aconitum in potency D12 can be taken once or twice a day with three globules. When to use: Apis mellifica is a homeopathic preparation which can be used in cases of inflammation of the ears, conjunctiva or respiratory tract.

Sore throat or fever are also areas of application. Effect: The homeopathic remedy counteracts inflammations in the body and the corresponding symptoms. Therefore it reduces pain and relieves swelling.

Dosage: Apis mellifica can be taken for a short period of time with potency D12 up to twice a day for acute sore throat. When to use: Belladonna is a typical homeopathic remedy used for inflammation of the tonsils, fever, sore throat, colds and sinusitis. Effect: The effect of Belladonna is based on the principle of homeopathy, treating like with like.

In homeopathic form, Belladonna relieves pain and reduces swelling. Dosage: For independent use, Belladonna in the potency D6 is recommended to be taken several times a day. When to use: Hyoscyamus niger can be used for cough and sore throat, as well as for insomnia, epilepsy or behavioral problems.

Effect: The effect of the homeopathic remedy is mainly in the muscular system. Here Hyoscyamus niger provides for a relaxation and easing of tension, which can alleviate complaints. Dosage: For acute complaints, the homeopathic remedy with the potency D6 can be taken up to ten times a day.

When is it used: Hepar sulfuris is used for inflammation of the ears, larynx, sinuses and throat. It is used for sore throat, cough and asthma. Effect: The homeopathic preparation has a soothing effect on pain and swelling.

It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes the removal of harmful substances. Dosage: Hepar sulfuris in potencies D6 or D12 can be used for independent application. When to use: Lachesis is a homeopathic drug which can be used for sore throat, inflammation of the respiratory tract and flu.

It is also used for hemorrhoids or menstrual problems. Effect: The effect of the homeopathic preparation is based on supporting various metabolic processes of the body. It relieves pain and promotes the transport of body secretions.

Dosage: The dosage of Lachesis is recommended with three globules of potencies D6 or D12 several times a day. When to use: The homeopathic preparation Mercurius solubilis is used for inflammation of the roots of teeth, conjunctiva, sinuses, ears, as well as for sore throat and diarrhea. Effect: Mercurius solubilis is particularly effective in acute inflammations.

It strengthens the body’s own immune system and has an inhibiting effect on inflammatory processes. Dosage: The dosage of Mercurius solubilis is recommended with the intake of three globules in potencies D6 or D12. When is it used: Phytolacca is used for inflammation of the throat or tonsils.

It can also be used for sore throat, toothache or complaints during menstruation.Effect: The homeopathic remedy relieves pain and relaxes cramped and tense muscles. It also supports various metabolic processes of the body. Dosage: The homeopathic remedy should be used with potencies D6 or D12.