Homeopathy for three days fever

General information

The products are suitable for both adults and children. However, the three-day fever in adults is very rarely observed. For children the remedies are suitable as tablets or globules. Drops contain alcohol. At the beginning of an illness it is important to distinguish between sudden and gradual onset.

With sudden and violent beginning one thinks first of:

The fever develops slowly, the symptoms are similar to those described for aconitum, but there is no restlessness or fear. In children, Ferrum phosphoricum also works particularly well in the case of an incipient inflammation of the middle ear. In general, patients are quickly exhausted, and hoarseness occurs after physical exertion.

Only low resistance, tendency to frequent colds, nosebleeds, frequent middle ear infections in children. Generally light-colored types, pale, fair-skinned, blue vein pattern. Patients are alternately pale or red in the face, pulse quick and soft, easily suppressed.

Pain has a knocking, pulsating character. One side of the face is often more red than the other. Red face and cold feet.

Cold in the whole body. Stomach aches, vomiting of undigested food, yet ravenous hunger. Patients may also complain of pain in all muscles and joints, especially in the shoulder area.

The complaints get worse at rest and at night, improvement by light movement. Gelsemium is available on prescription up to and including D3. The fever develops slowly within 1 to 2 days.

The patient shivers, shaky dizziness, cold shivers run down his back, general feeling of exhaustion. Fever with high red head, often without thirst. Pulse is usually moderately accelerated and soft.

Complaints worsen with heat, sun, movement, fear and fright. The fever is highest in the morning, pain in all limbs and bones, the whole body hurts. The patient is hot during the day, the face is hot and red, but hardly any sweat.

At night often chills, after sweating the general condition improves a bit. Often great thirst for cold water, but drinking irritates to vomiting. Pain in the back of the head and eyes, dizziness.

Has a positive effect on the body’s own defenses and increases biological immunity. Echinacea is used for many infections because of its antibacterial effect. In case of fever, Echinacea can always be given as an adjunct to the treatment to increase the immune system.

High fever, diarrhea, sensory delusions as a result of fever dreams, coated tongue and accelerated pulse. A striking feature is the great feeling of exhaustion. The symptoms worsen in the afternoon.

Fever, which alternately rises and falls, yellowish paleness, much thirst, great general weakness, exhaustion and drowsiness. The patients are without appetite, also tinnitus and dizziness. Aggravation of all complaints by cold, draught, wetness and touch, at night and by heat.

Prescription only up to and including D3! High-flying, nervous people are predestined for Phosphorus. Fearful, jumpy, prone to depression and mental sluggishness.Headaches during mental exertion.

Fever develops insidiously, weakens the patient very much and causes thirstlessness. Typical for phosphorus is the burning character of all complaints. The patients do not want to be alone.

Cold and fresh air are poorly tolerated. Improvement through rest and sleep.