Homeopathy | How can I relieve kidney pain?


Depending on the type of pain and the accompanying symptoms, various homeopathic remedies are used for kidney pain. The effect is usually attributed to the normalization of the acid-base balance. For example, the meadow pasque flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) is recommended for cramp-like complaints and an urge to urinate.

After cold and long periods of freezing, an inflammation of the bladder and kidney can develop more easily. Therefore, if the symptoms are due to hypothermia or soaking, Dulcamara bittersweet is used as a homeopathic remedy. This can be effective, for example, for cystitis, should one feel symptoms such as pain when passing water and an increased urge to urinate.

Arnica montana (mountain dolphin) is mainly used after accidents and wound injuries, as it accelerates wound healing and relieves pain. It can be used for kidney pain caused by trauma or for kidney stones. Another proven remedy is Colocynthis (Coloquinte), which is said to help relieve cramp-like pain in the entire abdominal cavity when urinating. There are many other homeopathic remedies that can be used to treat kidney pain in conjunction with another therapy. These should be selected individually according to the symptoms.

Schüssler salts

The Schüssler salts are preparations of the alternative medicine. They are mineral salts in homeopathic dosage. Number 7, magnesium phosphoricum, is used as an anticonvulsant for kidney pain.

Furthermore, the effect and influence of the Schüssler salts on the kidney is explained by the regulation in the acid-base balance. Thus, an excess of acid in the body can lead to an increased tendency for the formation of kidney and urinary stones. Therefore, in this case number 9, Sodium phosphoricum, can be used supportively.


Heat therapy can be a support to alleviate the symptoms. For flank pain, treatment with hot-water bottles or grain cushions can be perceived as pleasant and soothing. It is also helpful to drink hot beverages such as tea. Draft and cold should be avoided.