Homeopathy | Physiotherapy for shoulder-arm syndrome


Homeopathic remedies can also be used to counteract the symptoms of shoulder-arm syndrome. Which remedy is chosen depends on the model of the complaints, possible previous illnesses and the individual person. Common remedies are: Nux vomica, for pain that worsens especially in the morning and at night and is accompanied by severe muscle tension. Colocynthis, for pains that suddenly shoot in and also accompanied by numbness Ledum, for increasing stiffness especially after long periods of rest such as lying or standing and for complaints that worsen with the application of heat Cimicifuga, especially for complaints of the cervical spine, characterized by dull pain and muscle tension and often accompanied by migraine Arnica, especially if the symptoms occur after an injury or heavy exertion and improve when resting Rhus toxicodendron, in case of stiffness after overexertion or excessive strain Dulcamara, if the symptoms worsen in cold or wet conditions or if they are caused by these conditions and heat

  • Nux Vomica, for pain that worsens especially in the morning and at night and is accompanied by severe muscle tension
  • Colocynthis, for pains that suddenly shoot up and are accompanied by numbness
  • Ledum, in case of increasing stiffness, especially after long periods of rest such as lying or standing and in case of complaints worsened by the application of heat
  • Cimicifuga, especially for cervical spine complaints characterized by dull pain and muscle tension, often accompanied by migraine
  • Arnica, especially when the symptoms occur after an injury or heavy exertion and improve with rest
  • Rhus toxicodendron, in case of stiffness after overexertion or excessive load
  • Dulcamara, if the symptoms worsen in cold or wet conditions or if the symptoms are relieved by this arising and heat

Cervical Spine Syndrome

Also with the cervical spine syndrome, which is also known in the vernacular as neck-shoulder-neck syndrome, the therapy depends on the extent and cause of the disease. A straight posture, avoiding abrupt movements as well as drafts and constant stress are as much a part of the therapy as regular strengthening and stretching exercises to loosen, relieve and stabilize the overstressed area around the cervical spine. Common forms of therapy include physiotherapy, movement training, fascial training and massages.

These techniques help to provide relief for the patient and also preventative protection of the cervical spine to enable a symptom-free everyday life. Autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation or relaxation sports such as yoga or Pilates can also help to alleviate symptoms. A consistent promotion of correct posture as well as the performance of exercises even when there are no complaints is to be strived for.