Homosexuality: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Homosexuality is the term used to describe a sexual orientation. Thereby, there is a romantic and erotic desire towards the own sex.

What is homosexuality?

Homosexuality is the term used to describe a sexual orientation. In this, there is a romantic and erotic desire towards one’s own sex. Homosexuality means to be romantically and sexually oriented towards one’s own sex. While homosexual women have the colloquial name “lesbians”, homosexual men are called “gays”. If, on the other hand, there is sexual interest in both one’s own sex and the opposite sex, the term bisexuality is used. It is estimated that between 2 and 4 percent of men and women in Germany are homosexual. The term homosexuality was coined in 1869 by the Austro-Hungarian literary figure Karl Maria Kertbeny (1824-1882). In addition, the term uranism was in use in the 19th century. In ancient times, homosexuality was considered the highest form of erotic expression. In later eras, such as the Middle Ages or modern times, same-sex love, on the other hand, was classified as a sin. Religious and ideological viewpoints in particular played a significant role. Even today, there are cultures that reject homosexuality as abnormal and unnatural, while Western societies are increasingly open to it. Thus, the gay and lesbian scene in Germany is largely accepted and has numerous centers in larger cities. In addition, there are a wide variety of meeting places, counseling centers and artistic activities. In other countries, however, homosexual people still face discrimination and persecution. In Germany, on the other hand, homosexual couples have been able to enter into registered civil partnerships since 2001. These partnerships closely resemble marriage and include mutual maintenance obligations and the right to a common name. Nevertheless, the couples are still denied equal rights with heterosexual couples (for example, with regard to adoption).

Function and task

What causes homosexual orientation is still unclear. Therefore, different theories serve as explanatory models. These include the theory that the sexual orientation of humans occurs before birth and that same-sex predispositions are inherited. Another theory, on the other hand, holds individual human development responsible for the emergence of homosexuality. Presumably, therefore, it is as natural a circumstance as heterosexuality, which, however, has been defined for centuries as the only “correct” way of being (heteronormativity). Just as unclear as the causes of homosexuality are its functions. Thus, a genetic disposition raises the question of its usefulness for human evolution. Traits that oppose human reproduction have historically been considered negative. Science is therefore investigating the question of whether, given the frequency of homosexuality, there might be an evolutionary advantage. Different theories have also been developed in this regard. For example, some researchers assume that not having children of one’s own is caused by kin selection within the clan. In this way, more people can provide for their offspring. However, the evolution-theoretical use of homosexuality remains unexplained with it, since the same effect could be obtained also with asexuality. However, as some scientists put it, it can be questioned overall whether the human concept of love is necessarily related to the optimal mode of reproduction. As Richard David Precht, for example, argues, monogamous love may even stand in the way of a higher number of offspring. Love, sex and procreation can thus also be thought of in isolation from each other. Moreover, homosexuality is not limited to humans, but also occurs in the animal world. Thus homosexual behavior could be determined with approximately 1500 different animal species. This is predominantly proven with the Bonobos, which rank among the apes.

Diseases and complaints

Some diseases are associated with homosexuality, although sexual orientation is not the actual trigger of these diseases, but correlated with them by other circumstances. For a long time, this primarily included AIDS (HIV).Thus, in Western countries, the HI virus initially spread strongly among homosexual men, which was due to the high risk of infection resulting from anal intercourse. At that time, AIDS was still a very unknown infectious disease. Over the years, however, education about the virus succeeded. The educational campaigns also helped to correct false perceptions about homosexual people. For example, the idea that AIDS is a punishment for men pursuing the “sin” of same-sex love. According to medical opinion, gays belong to the AIDS risk groups only if unprotected anal intercourse is practiced by them with changing sexual partners. The same applies to all other sexual couples, since an infection with the HI virus is in principle possible in every person. Homosexuality is also frequently associated with psychological problems. Many gays and lesbians are afraid of coming out because they fear negative reactions from their parents, relatives or friends. In some cases, this leads to discord with the family, which in turn causes severe psychological stress for those affected. Discrimination in the workplace is also conceivable, so that some homosexuals prefer not to come out. However, coming out and especially the acceptance from the living environment means an important process to be able to find one’s own sexual identity. The suppression of this identity can, in the further course, trigger mental illnesses such as anxiety disorders, depression or the abuse of alcohol, drugs and medication. This in turn has a negative effect on the quality of life of homosexual people. In the worst case, suicide attempts even occur. Thus, homosexual men are four times more likely to commit suicide than heterosexuals. In lesbian women, on the other hand, there is a higher risk of alcohol dependence.