Hormone IUD: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Meanwhile, the most diverse possibilities exist to avoid pregnancy. The hormonal IUD is gaining more and more popularity. Although it is considered a very reliable contraceptive method, it also carries risks.

What is the hormonal IUD?

Because of its curved shape, the hormonal IUD resembles a T. It is inserted into the uterus like any other IUD. Illustration shows female genital with IUD. Especially in medical circles, the hormonal IUD is known as an intrauterine system. It is a plastic body with the length of about three centimeters. Due to its curved shape, the IUD resembles a T. It is inserted into the uterus like any other IUD. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis. The biggest difference to the conventional IUD is the way it works. This is not based on copper ions, but on the artificially produced hormone levonorgestrel. Overall, the risk of pregnancy under the hormonal IUD is very low. The safety is similar to that of sterilization. However, external influences and application errors by the doctor can lower the Pearl Index.

Function, effect and goals

The ultimate goal of the hormonal IUD is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In this regard, it is increasingly used by women who already have children and whose family planning has been completed. Because of risks of infertility, young girls are usually recommended another contraceptive method. Once implanted in the uterus, the contraceptive effect is immediate. Normally, this lasts for five years. After that, the IUD must be removed or replaced if necessary. Hormones are delivered locally. As a result, a much smaller amount of artificial hormones enters the female body than is the case, for example, with the birth control pill. The IUD releases the corpus luteum hormone levonorgestrel evenly. This ensures that the mucus in the cervix takes on a thick consistency. This makes it more difficult for sperm to make their way to the egg. If individual sperm nevertheless penetrate further, the levonorgestrel restricts their activity. In addition, the effect begins in the woman’s uterus. In this way, the hormone coil suppresses or prevents ovulation. This is necessary for pregnancy. The uterine lining changes in such a way that implantation of the egg is impossible. Women often observe a decrease in blood during their periods after the insertion of the hormonal IUD. In addition to providing contraception, the IUD can reduce heavy bleeding and relieve menstrual cramps. To have a hormonal IUD inserted, a gynecologist must be consulted. During an examination, the gynecologist will first determine whether the contraceptive method is suitable at all. A number of tests are also ordered to rule out infections and pregnancy. If the last smear test to check for cervical cancer was taken more than six months ago, it must be renewed. Then the hormonal IUD can be inserted. The procedure should be performed during menstruation, because the cervix is open during menstruation, which facilitates insertion. The patient is given one of the various anesthetic options if desired, and the vagina and cervix are disinfected to prevent bacteria from entering. An applicator helps to place the hormonal IUD in the correct position. Once the IUD is optimally anchored in the uterus, it opens its arms. Any protruding threads are shortened. The procedure ends with an ultrasound examination to check the position of the hormone coil. After about four to twelve weeks, another check of the position is due. This first examination is often covered by health insurance. Thereafter, the position should be visualized by an ultrasound scan every six months. In addition, women can regularly check the position of the IUD by palpating the retrieval threads. The hormonal IUD is particularly suitable for women who want long-term contraception. Due to the local release of hormones, side effects are usually weaker than when taking the pill.

Risks, side effects, and dangers

The hormonal IUD offers advantages, but also carries risks, about which interested parties should inform themselves before insertion. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that the IUD slips or is expelled.However, in most patients such an event occurs in the first two months after the procedure. As soon as the hormone coil changes its position, an unwanted pregnancy may occur. Such an event can be revealed by a control examination. Regular palpation of the threads can exclude the possibility that the IUD was expelled during menstruation. If pregnancy occurs under the hormonal IUD, the risk of ectopic pregnancy is increased. This presents dangers for both mother and child. Because the embryo cannot grow in its unaccustomed environment, the female body often carries out rejection on its own. Furthermore, the hormone coil causes side effects. For example, patients complain of various pains in the head, abdomen, breast and back. The risk of breast cancer and thrombosis is higher than in women who do not use hormonal contraception. Inflammation of the labia, pelvis and uterus may occur. On a psychological level, some women suffer from depressive moods, mood swings, loss of libido, and nervousness. Young women with plans to have children should refrain from using a hormonal IUD. The same applies to breastfeeding mothers, because the hormone contained can pass into breast milk. The cost is around 350 euros and is only covered by health insurance in some cases. To avoid self-payment, there must be medical reasons for the hormonal IUD.