
Armoracia rusticana Farmer’s mustard, horseradish, krien, forest radishHorseradish is a long, multi-headed beet root. Elongated and notched large leaves arranged in a rosette are typical for the appearance of the horseradish. The flower appears in the middle, inconspicuous, white and arranged in panicles.

Flowering time: June to July Occurrence. Native to Southern Europe, cultivated in our country, especially in Franconia. The root of horseradish, usually harvested fresh in autumn and winter, is used for medicinal purposes.

  • Allyl Legend Oil
  • Gluconasturtiin
  • Sinigrin
  • Hydrogen Rhodane

Horseradish has active ingredients that inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is used internally for bronchial catarrh and bladder catarrh, and externally to stimulate the blood circulation of the skin: Of course, horseradish is also a popular spice in the kitchen; many people appreciate its pungency when grated raw and added to meat and sausage dishes.

  • Gout
  • Rheumatism
  • Furuncles and
  • Carbuncles

For internal use there are two possibilities: 1. fresh root is finely grated and one takes 1 to 2 teaspoons of it daily.

The pungency can be softened by adding some grated apple. 2. grate some root coarsely, add about twice the amount of sugar and let the juice extract overnight. Then pour it through a sieve.

If you have a cough, take one tablespoon of this 3 times a day. External use: Freshly grated, fresh horseradish is spread thinly on a cloth and placed on the skin area to be treated. Too much horseradish can cause irritation in the stomach or on the skin due to its sharpness. Do not leave envelopes with freshly grated horseradish on the skin for more than 10 minutes.