Household remedies especially for the feet | Household remedy for neurodermatitis

Household remedies especially for the feet

The same applies to neurodermatitis in the foot area as for other localizations. Above all, the daily moisturizing and moisturizing care is decisive. Creams that contain urea serve above all to regulate the skin’s moisture by binding moisture. Creams containing linoleic acid, such as those found in preparations containing evening primrose oil, strengthen the skin barrier and thus reduce moisture loss. In acute episodes of neurodermatitis, compresses with table salt or black tea can also provide relief for eczema foci in the foot area.

Home remedy against itching

An acute neurodermatitis relapse is often manifested by weeping eczema on various parts of the body. The worsening of the neurodermatitis is usually accompanied by an agonizing itching. By scratching the skin, the skin is additionally irritated and the healing process is delayed.

In addition to ointments containing active ingredients, various household remedies can also achieve relief of itching. Often even simple moist compresses lead to a reduction of itching.For this purpose, a cotton cloth can be dipped in cold water and wrapped or laid around the areas in question. Black tea compresses can be used to alleviate severe itching in severely weeping herds. If the itching is difficult to control, further measures may have to be taken – especially with small children. Putting on cotton gloves or a cotton neurodermatitis suit can prevent the children from contributing to a deterioration of the skin condition through severe scratching.

Household remedies in the neurodermatitis relapse

Damp compresses are especially helpful in the acute phase of neurodermatitis with weeping rashes. Depending on how strongly weeping eczema is, saline compresses or, in the case of more strongly weeping eczema, black tea compresses are recommended. They cool and soothe the skin and relieve itching.

The envelopes can be left in place for 10-15 minutes and renewed several times if necessary. Other household remedies such as evening primrose oil, coconut oil or a Cleopatra bath are more suitable as household remedies in the interval, i.e. outside the acute attack.