Household remedies to remove dark circles under the eyes

Circles under the eyes are a widespread appearance of the skin in the area below the eyes. They occur mainly in old age, but can also occur at a young age for family reasons. The appearance of dark circles is primarily related to sleep behavior and is a well-known sign of fatigue.

However, prolonged work at a computer screen and allergies can also promote the appearance of dark circles. The occurrence of dark circles is not dangerous. There are various household remedies that are helpful against dark circles.

These household remedies are used

The following household remedies can be used against dark circles under the eyes:

  • Cucumbers
  • Potatoes
  • Ice cold milk
  • Green Tea
  • Coconut oil
  • Sleep
  • Liquid supply

application: The cucumbers can be used as a classic cucumber mask in the form of thin slices. The cucumber slices can be placed on closed eyes for at least ten minutes. Effect: Since cucumbers consist mainly of water, they moisturize the skin around the eyes and expand the volume of the connective tissue.

In addition, the vessels are constricted, lightening the skin area. What must be taken into account: If the cucumber slices are left in the refrigerator for half an hour beforehand, the effect is enhanced. Application: There are different ways to use the potatoes.

They can be grated and applied as a mask on the eyelids for a quarter of an hour. Alternatively, pressed potato water can be used. Effect: Potatoes contain many anti-inflammatory substances.

In addition, they have a brightening effect and various minerals that strengthen the skin tissue. What you have to consider: Since potatoes contain starch that can stick to the skin, a thorough rinse with cold water should be performed after the application. Directions for use: The milk should be sufficiently cooled but not frozen before use.

Then absorbent cotton pads can be dipped into the milk and then placed on the eyes. Effect: Ice-cold milk contains substances that cause the vessels of the eyelids to contract. Thus it has a decongesting and brightening effect.

What must be observed: The cotton pads can be replaced with fresh cool absorbent cotton pads after warming up. Application: The tea bags can be placed directly on the eyes when cooled. The cooling should be done for at least half an hour.

After a quarter of an hour on the eyes they should be cleaned with cold water. Effect: Green tea contains caffeine. This causes a narrowing of the vessels on the eyelids, which reduces the swelling and makes the skin area lighter.

What you have to consider: In order for the ingredients of green tea to unfold, the tea bags should be moistened beforehand. Application: Coconut oil can be applied directly to the skin. Either your own fingers or a cotton swab are suitable for this.

Just a few drops are sufficient for application. The whole thing can be used several times a day. Effect: Coconut oil has a cleansing and caring effect on over-irritated skin areas.

The eyelids are relaxed and the surface becomes smoother. What you have to consider: The coconut oil can act directly on the skin and does not need to be washed off. Application: There are various vitamins that can be used against dark circles under the eyes.

For this, nutrition plays an important role. Vitamin C is for example contained in many citrus fruits, vitamin K in spinach and cabbage. Effect: The vitamins are important components of various metabolic processes in the circulation.

Vitamin K, for example, is important for blood coagulation, which stabilizes the blood flow around the eyes. What must be taken into account: It is important that the diet is balanced. This means that a variety of foods ensures that all the important vitamins are balanced.

Application: Minerals are contained in various foods that should be consumed regularly. No tablets are necessary for iron balance, as iron is also contained in walnuts, oatmeal, spinach and apricots. Effect: Iron is an important substance needed for the transport of oxygen in the blood.

Accordingly, an iron deficiency causes tiredness and dark circles under the eyes. Therefore a sufficient supply of iron helps to prevent dark circles under the eyes. What must be taken into account: If an iron deficiency is suspected, a doctor should be consulted if necessary in order to clarify it sufficiently.

Application: A restful sleep is very important to prevent dark circles. For this purpose, the sleep time for an adult should be about eight hours. In addition, it should be avoided to go to bed too late.Effect: Sleep enables the body to relax all muscles.

For this also these belong in the range of the eyes, which can be strengthened thereby again. What must one consider: So that the sleep for the body is really recovering, it should be tried to fall asleep before midnight. This enables a deep sleep phase.

Application: It is important to ensure a sufficient fluid intake. For this purpose, 2-3 liters of fluid should be drunk each day, preferably in the form of water. Effect: Fluid is important for the skin tissue, as it builds up sufficient tension.

Wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes can be reduced. In addition, the acid-base balance is balanced. What you have to consider: A deficiency can not only be caused by too little drinking, but also by heavy sweating, diarrhoea or vomiting. You can find more household remedies in this regard in the article: Household remedies against wrinkles