Household remedy against oily skin | Oily skin – What to do?

Household remedy against oily skin

In the fight against oily skin, there are several home remedies available to the affected person that can effectively improve the skin’s appearance. A classic example is the camomile bath. For this, one fills a bathtub with lukewarm water and adds some camomile flowers.

Bathing twice a week for 20 minutes each can achieve visible and tangible results. Alternatively, you can treat yourself to an improvised steam treatment with chamomile at home. To do this, boil one liter of water in a saucepan and then add two or three tea bags.

If you now place the pot on a table, you can comfortably bend over the pot so that the steam reaches your face. The treatment becomes more effective if you hang a towel over your head so that the camomile steam cannot pass by your face. Five minutes a day with this household remedy should be enough to combat oily skin.

Another well-known household remedy is apple vinegar. For self-treatment, a tablespoonful is mixed with one liter of mineral water. The solution can then be applied to the facial skin using a cotton pad.

Afterwards you should take care not to rub your face with a towel, but to dab your face with care tissues or soft toilet paper. In this way not only the oily skin can be cleaned, but also the formation of annoying pimples and blackheads can be counteracted. Another widely used household remedy is face masks.

A simple and at the same time very effective variant is a mask made of yogurt, grated apple and honey. It should be noted that this is a sour apple.After application, the acid fights oily skin, while the yogurt and honey additionally smooth and nourish the skin. When used regularly, this household remedy leads to a healthier looking skin in the long term.

Nutrition for oily skin

Acne and oily skin cannot only be caused by hormones. A wrong diet can also be the cause of impure skin. In order to avoid oily skin, care should be taken to consume as little sugar as possible, especially in the diet.

This is necessary because the growth-promoting effect of sugar on human skin cells promotes the greasing of the skin. Foods with a high glycemic index should be avoided, including some dairy products but also foods with a high carbohydrate content. Cereal products such as pasta or white bread, but also certain vegetables such as potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates.

In addition, the consumption of foods that contain a lot of arachidonic acid should be limited, as these can also lead to oily skin. Examples of foods with a high arachidonic acid content are tuna, lard, pork liver, liver sausage and egg yolk. In addition to a diet low in carbohydrates and arachidonic acid, attention should also be paid to the fat content of the food.

Especially fried foods like French fries or other fast food are rather counterproductive in case of oily skin. This also applies to sweet baked goods which contain a lot of butter or margarine besides sugar. With all these restrictions, the question arises: What should I eat if I have oily skin?

Fruit and vegetables should become an important basic food component, as they not only fill you up and are low in fats and carbohydrates but also contain additional vitamins, which are a prerequisite for a healthy life. Also low-fat meat and fish should not be missing on the menu. Replacing cow’s milk with soy milk can also help.

As beverages, unsweetened tea is recommended in addition to mineral water. Furthermore, it is not only important what you eat, but also when. One should get used to fixed meal times and avoid nibbles in between.

This gives the body time to digest and keep the blood sugar level itself as low as possible. A last important step towards healthy skin is to refrain from smoking. Cigarettes do not only lead to oily skin, but damage almost all internal organs lastingly and are frequent causes of cancer diseases.