Household remedy against salivary stones


A salivary stone can cause extremely unpleasant symptoms and lead to severe pain when eating. However, the good news is that sometimes you can remove a salivary stone yourself and you do not always have to see a doctor. There are various home remedies available to bring the stone to the surface. To prevent salivary stones, it is recommended that you always drink sufficient amounts of liquid and chew gum or suck a sweet. This keeps the system flowing and the saliva cannot clump together to form a stone.

Which home remedies can help?

No matter which of the salivary glands contains the salivary stone, there are various home remedies that can make the stone disappear without the need to see a doctor.

  • Massage of the salivary gland
  • Sufficient amount of liquid
  • Foods containing citric acid are considered very good helpers. The acid can be administered in the form of sweets, dental chewing gum or drinks and then stimulates saliva production in the salivary glands.

    With a bit of luck, the salivary stone can be flushed out of the glandular duct, which makes the symptoms disappear.

  • Consumption of apple slices or vegetable broth
  • Good oral hygiene
  • Taking anti-inflammatory agents to prevent simultaneous bacterial inflammation of the salivary gland
  • Rinse with chamomile tea or tea tree oil.

Before going to the doctor, the affected person can try to remove a salivary stone himself. Lemon has proven to be the best remedy. This is a so-called “saliva loosener”, which stimulates saliva production and builds up pressure behind the stone.

This can ensure that the salivary stone is flushed out. In addition, a simultaneous massage of the salivary gland is also possible, which, together with an increased amount of saliva, has good chances of success. However, this method only helps if the stone is not yet too large or is too deep.

Even if the stone has already grown together with the glandular tissue, the lemon can no longer provide a remedy. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor before the salivary gland becomes infected with pus and then, if necessary, has to be partially or even completely removed. Even if the onion smells strong and many people do not tolerate its consumption well, the healing effect should not be disregarded.

It belongs due to its easy availability into each medicine chest. It is used in several forms, as onion juice, onion sacks, warmed or simply in salads. For salivary stones, an onion sac should be used.

For this, the onion is finely chopped and placed in a cotton cloth. Then the pack is heated, placed on the affected area of the face and should be left for half an hour. In this way the anti-inflammatory effect can develop best.

Bertram is a composite plant whose root was already used by Hildegard von Bingen. The tincture produced with it was used for toothache, oral diseases and paralysis. It has a vitalizing effect and the essential oils contained in this plant have a saliva-enhancing effect.

Similar to lemon, they can create a pressure behind the salivary stone and then flush it out. In addition, it is also used for stomach ailments, heart problems, insomnia or bed-wetting. Even though the camomile flower looks very similar to the tramp plant, they have very different effects.

Camomile has a typical smell, is rather mild in taste and has both disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to these effects, it can be used very well in the oral cavity as a daily rinse for inflammations or open spots. If there is a salivary stone present, chamomile rinsing protects against inflammation of the gland and thus prevents the disease from worsening.

There are also a whole range of other uses for chamomile flower, such as sinusitis, sore throat or headaches. Even though many people here are often only familiar with its use in the form of food, horseradish also possesses an extremely great healing power. It is used to treat infectious diseases and pain.

The effect unfolds best when the plant is freshly grated, as the pungent essential oils evaporate quickly.Like lemons, these have a saliva-promoting effect and also fight bacteria through their ingredients. Inflammation of the salivary gland is thus optimally prevented. In addition to a wonderful taste component, thyme has a disinfecting effect and has an extremely strong effect on the respiratory organs.

This explains its frequent use for coughs and asthma. In addition, however, the bacteria-inhibiting effect should not be in the background, because gum inflammations can be fought effectively. Thus also the recommendation explains itself to the income with saliva stones. A gland inflammation can be prevented so namely.