Household remedy for internal use | Household remedy for dry skin

Household remedy for internal use

A tip that is often given is to drink plenty of water. At least 2 liters should be drunk per day, but better still 3 liters. A lack of water in the body can make itself felt especially through headaches or chapped lips.

In addition, especially in winter, care should be taken to ensure that the humidity in heated rooms does not drop too much. An air humidity of 55-60% should be at least in the living rooms. This humidity can be achieved, for example, by placing a damp cloth over the heating.

Household remedy for the treatment of dry skin on the face

Especially in winter, the skin on the face suffers greatly from the cold air outside and the very dry heating air inside. This can easily lead to dry skin on the face, especially on the cheeks and chin. A homemade mask made of curd cheese or yogurt can help here.

Mixed with a little honey, the paste is applied to the face and you have a first aid against dry skin on the face. The mask should be left on the face for at least half an hour, so that the effect can unfold and the active ingredients can easily penetrate the skin. It can also help to put a small amount of freshly grated cucumber under the honey-yoghurt mask.

In general, there is a large number of possible ingredients for face masks from home remedies. So there is also the tip to grate or mash potatoes or bananas and let them work for 20 minutes on the face. An important hint is to use soap-free washing gels and washing gels without perfume when cleaning the face, because these can disturb the acid mantle of the skin and thus lead to additional moisture being withdrawn from the skin.

Home remedy for dry skin around the eyes

The skin under the eyes is thin and therefore very sensitive. Heavy, greasy creams to soothe dry areas should be avoided here. More suitable and better tolerated are small amounts of olive oil, coconut oil or baby oil.

With these oils there is also no unpleasant burning sensation if something accidentally gets into the eye. If you have an Aloe Vera plant at home, you can also remove the plant juice from it and apply it to the dry area. Another, better known option is to use curd cheese or grated cucumber or cucumber slices.

These are best left on the skin for a few minutes and then rinsed off with lukewarm water. In the long term, if the skin around the eyes is constantly dry, a change in the skin care routine is recommended. Sharp washing lotions for the face and make-up removers can dry out the skin unnecessarily. The above mentioned olive and coconut oil is a great working makeup remover for the eye area and can be used as a substitute in this region without any problems.