Household remedy for removing the moustache | Remove moustache

Household remedy for removing the moustache

A woman’s beard is usually perceived by those affected as unaesthetic and masculine. In general, it can be assumed that considerably more women are affected by a woman’s beard than is assumed. Approximately 8 percent of all women have strong hair in the facial area.

Since this male hair growth in women can have a variety of causes, the focus should be on the removal of the female beard as well as the determination of the underlying cause. For this reason, a visit to a suitable specialist can often help to solve the problem. Nevertheless, many of the affected women ask themselves how they can remove the moustache themselves with simple household remedies.

In this context, however, it must be noted that there are no household remedies that help to remove the moustache permanently. Household remedies only serve to temporarily remove annoying hair in the facial area. Especially with dark hairs above the upper lip and/or on the chin, bleaching the hairs can be helpful.

Suitable bleaching agents can be purchased in the drugstore or pharmacy. In addition, cucumber water is one of the most popular household remedies that can help to remove the moustache temporarily. Affected women should rub the moustache with fresh cucumber water several times a day.

After a reaction time of about five to ten minutes, this household remedy can simply be washed off with a little lukewarm water. The effect of the cucumber water is based on its bleaching properties. Another household remedy that helps to temporarily remove a lady’s beard is the use of a standard razor.

When shaving, however, it is important to note that the fine hairs are only removed superficially. For this reason, shaving must be repeated daily or every two to three days. If you have a particularly pronounced moustache, sugar paste in particular is a popular household remedy.

About 200 grams of sugar should be heated in a pan and brought to caramelise. Then 100 millilitres of lemon juice should be mixed with the caramelised sugar. This household remedy, which can help to remove the moustache, can be easily applied to the fine hairs.

A thin, stable cloth should also be placed over the sugar paste. Once the mixture has dried, the sugar paste can be peeled off with the cloth. In this way, the sticky hairs are pulled out of the skin together with the root.

The effectiveness of this household remedy can be further increased by the affected women thoroughly degreasing the lady’s beard before applying the sugar paste. If the lady’s beard consists only of a few longer hairs, removal with tweezers may be sufficient. For the application of this household remedy the affected women only need simple tweezers, with which eyebrows can also be removed.

In addition, the fine hairs of the lady’s beard can be bleached with lemon juice. However, this household remedy usually only achieves sufficient effectiveness with very light hair types. Dark hair on the face often reacts little or not at all to bleaching with lemon juice.

One way to remove a woman’s moustache is to epilate it. An epilator is an electrical device, which, simply put, consists of many small tweezers that automatically remove the hair at the root. Because the hairs have to grow back first, a long-lasting result of usually several weeks is possible.

The prerequisite for using an epilator in the face is either a narrow epilator suitable for the face or a special attachment suitable for the smaller areas of the face. The best time to perform epilation is after showering or at least after washing your face. Due to the widened pores, the hair roots are then enclosed more loosely, making them easier for the epilator to grasp.

As the skin should be clean and free of grease before epilation, it is recommended to wash the skin with mild soap before. Afterwards the area should be dried well. To relieve the pain, the area of skin from which the hairs are to be removed should be stretched.

It is advisable to press the lips together, as the skin over them is then well stretched and the sensitive skin of the lips is also not at risk of being hit by the epilator. The best way to start epilation is to do it at the lowest speed, by slowly moving the epilator over the skin between the mouth and nose. After epilation, the skin area should be cooled and well-creamed.

The great advantage of epilation is its long-lasting effect. The application is very easy and not time-consuming. It is also advantageous that the epilator also captures fine hairs and thus leaves a completely smooth skin surface.

The big disadvantage of removing the lady’s beard with an epilator is the painfulness. Therefore, epilation is only possible when the hairs have reached a certain length and the epilator can grip them. In addition, pimples and redness can develop, especially on sensitive skin.

One way to remove the lady’s beard is to use a hair removal spiral. This is an epilation method. The hair removal spiral looks like a curling iron.

The spiral is a flexible stainless steel rod with small slits. For application, the rod is placed over the upper lip or on the chin, depending on where the moustache is to be removed. No paste, foam or cream is needed, the wand is placed directly on the skin.

Once it has been positioned correctly, it is rolled over the moustache. It is important to roll slowly so that the hair can be removed sufficiently. By continuing to turn the hair removal spiral, the lady’s beard hair including the hair root is plucked out.

The spiral has to be rolled several times – back and forth – over the hair to be treated. The pain is similar to that of using tweezers for hair removal. According to the manufacturer and some experience reports, the method with the hair removal spiral is somewhat less painful.

This may be possible because the rod remains on the skin and is not pulled upwards like with tweezers. After use, the sheath can be removed from the rod. Clear water is sufficient for cleaning.

The removal of excessive body hair with the help of wax is now one of the most popular methods. However, when choosing the most suitable product, it must be taken into account that not every wax is suitable for removing a woman’s beard. For this reason, only special wax suitable for the removal of facial hair should be used.

In principle, a distinction is made between so-called “cold wax”, which is already worked into small peel-off strips, and hot wax (warm wax). As heated wax products can be better adapted to the shape of the face, it is much more suitable for removing a woman’s beard. Hot wax usually consists of a mixture of melted resins that can completely cover all hairs and can pull them out of the skin along with the hair roots.

Common hot wax products are sold as small beads that must be melted before use. After melting, the liquid wax can be evenly applied to the area of skin to be treated with a wooden spatula. After a short waiting period, the cold, hard wax can be removed with a quick, jerky movement.

The best result is always achieved when the wax is peeled off against the direction of hair growth. The main advantage of using warm wax products is that the heat acting on the skin surface causes the skin pores to open. In this way, the unloved moustache can be removed much more easily.

An optimal result can only be achieved if the skin area to be treated is thoroughly cleaned and degreased before the wax is applied. Otherwise there is a risk that the wax will not form a sufficient bond with the hairs of the lady’s beard. In addition, a peeling before applying the warm wax can help to open the pores and make the depilation more painless.

Women for whom the use of warm wax products is too cumbersome can alternatively resort to prefabricated cold wax strips. In most cases, however, these do not achieve an optimal result. In addition, cold wax causes hair ingrowth much more often. The reason for this can be the missing opening of the skin pores before the fine hairs are pulled out.