Household remedy for the prevention of a cold | Prevention of a cold

Household remedy for the prevention of a cold

To the classical household remedies for the prevention of a cold belongs apart from a balanced nutrition on the one hand a sufficient admission of Vitamin C and zinc. If this does not succeed in the context of the normal nutrition, combination preparations can be additionally administered as food auxiliary means. Both vitamin C and zinc have a positive influence on the immune system, strengthen and support it and help in the defence against viruses and bacteria.

A further possibility for the prevention of colds is the application of warm foot baths. The effect consists in the supply of warmth and the resulting increased blood circulation also in the upper respiratory tract, which facilitates and supports an activation of the immune system.Furthermore, it is worthwhile to take in sufficient liquid (preferably water or other non-sugary drinks: ginger, elderberry, lime blossom tea) so that the skin and mucous membranes have sufficient moisture to form a suitable protective barrier. Avoiding dry heating air, which causes the mucous membranes to dry out, making them more susceptible to pathogens, can also help prevent colds.

Even alternating showers (switching to cold water for a short time after a warm shower) can strengthen the immune system by stimulating and increasing the body’s blood circulation, thus making it possible to supply defence cells faster and better. Similarly, scientific studies have shown that lack of sleep and chronic stress in everyday life weaken the immune system, so that sufficient sleep and regular relaxation phases can certainly help to prevent colds. The general preventive measures that can prevent infection with cold-triggering viruses include regular hand washing with soap and rinsing the nose with a nasal douche and a physiological saline solution to remove annoying viruses from the hands and nasal cavity.

To prevent a cold, the intake of Schuessler salts can be started prophylactically at the beginning of the cold season. This is especially recommended for people who suffer repeatedly from respiratory tract infections in winter. By taking Schuessler-Salt No.

9, Sodium phosphoricum, and No. 11, Silicea, you can strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of a cold. In addition, Dalz No.

17, Manganum sulfuricum, and No. 21, Zincum chloratum, are said to have a positive effect on the immune system. At the beginning of the cold season, people who want to strengthen their immune system can take a Schüßler salt cure.

This takes about 4 to 6 weeks and contains the above mentioned salts. In the morning, at noon, in the afternoon and in the evening 2 tablets each are sucked, taking no. 3 in the morning, no.

17 at noon, no. 21 in the afternoon and no. 11 in the evening.

Content of numerous medical studies is the question whether the intake of zinc preparations can shorten the duration of a cold or even prevent it. The results show that the intake of zinc can reduce both the strength of the symptoms and the duration of a cold, whereby the condition for this is an immediate intake within the first 24 hours after the beginning of the symptoms. The reason for this is the effect of zinc on certain pathogens: it has an inhibitory effect on the common cold pathogen – the rhinovirus – so that its proliferation is contained.

However, which dose is the optimal one is still somewhat controversial and different sources differ. In addition, the (wrong) intake of zinc preparations can lead to considerable side effects (e.g. nausea, bad taste in the mouth). This is the reason why zinc substitution is often not recommended and a balanced, vitamin-rich diet is recommended.

A balanced, vitamin-rich diet is the basis for a well-functioning immune system and thus for the prevention of a cold. A sufficient supply of vitamin C and vitamin E is particularly important. Both prevent the body’s cells from being destroyed and thus have a very important function.

Vitamin C is mainly found in citrus fruits, but also in fennel, kale, Brussels sprouts and peppers. Vitamin E is a component of vegetable oils. Meat and animal fats should be consumed in moderation.

As a guideline for the daily intake of fruit and vegetables, 5 handfuls should be considered. If a balanced diet and an adequate fluid intake are guaranteed, there is usually no need for food supplements for a healthy immune system. Vitamin C supports the development of an intact immune system, but it is not helpful to take vitamin supplements if the cold is already present. In this case, it only needs to be cured.