How can a zinc deficiency be detected? | Zinc deficiency

How can a zinc deficiency be detected?

Zinc deficiency causes a variety of symptoms, which are initially very unspecific and can often be explained by other causes. Since zinc is involved in many different processes in the organism, besides physical symptoms even mental-psychological symptoms can occur. A zinc deficiency can only be diagnosed to a limited extent by blood tests, so a detailed examination of all physical and mental symptoms should be carried out in the doctor-patient consultation and taken seriously.

General Symptoms

Zinc deficiency can be reflected in a variety of symptoms. These include physical and also psychological abnormalities. From the large number of metabolic processes in which zinc is involved, the following symptoms, among others, can be deduced: Zinc deficiency causes a weakened immune system, which can lead to increased flu-like infections, sore throats and rhinitis or lip herpes.

In addition, a leading symptom of zinc deficiency is a wound healing disorder. Skin symptoms such as dryness, dandruff, acne, skin fungus, redness and pustules occur. Since zinc is important for the health of hair, it can lead to hair loss and brittle hair.

Likewise with a lack of zinc the nails are concerned, which splinter and break easily. Zinc deficiency causes hormonal disorders and can affect libido, potency and fertility. In addition, it can lead to disturbances of sensory perception, especially visual disturbances but also to taste and smell disorders.

In children and adolescents with chronic zinc deficiency, growth disorders can occur. In addition to all the physical symptoms, mental and spiritual symptoms can also occur.These include fatigue, reduced performance, concentration difficulties and lack of drive. Many patients complain of mood swings up to depressive moods and chronic fatigue.

Hair Loss

Besides brittle and splintery hair, a chronic zinc deficiency can also lead to hair loss. The trace element is involved in the formation of keratin, the most important component of nails, skin and hair. A zinc deficiency leads to a disturbance of the hair structure and the anchoring of the hair in the scalp.

In addition, it can lead to slight to severe hair loss. One speaks of hair loss if more than 100 hairs are lost daily over a longer period of time. Hair can fall out diffusely over the head, as it often occurs with a lack of nutrients.

In the case of zinc deficiency, however, circular hair loss, alopecia areata, is also sometimes observed. Zinc protects against inflammation, which can damage the hair root and lead to hair loss. In addition, zinc also has an influence on hormonal processes and prevents the excessive conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which plays a role in genetic hair loss. Therefore, if hair loss occurs together with other physical and mental symptoms, zinc deficiency should be considered as a possible cause. However, there are many other causes of hair loss, such as a lack of other nutrients, stress and genetic predisposition.