How can I lose weight especially on the stomach? | Weight reduction after pregnancy

How can I lose weight especially on the stomach?

To lose weight specifically on the stomach, a lot of exercise and a balanced diet are necessary. The so-called “visceral fatty tissue” on the stomach reacts differently to changing eating habits than subcutaneous fat. Therefore, it is particularly helpful on the stomach if you consume fewer calories overall with your food.

Less calories means above all, less fat and less easily digestible carbohydrates such as bread and white flour pasta. Instead, you should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, which are rich in satisfying fibre and valuable vitamins. It can help to keep a dietary diary to help control your eating habits.

Sport should be started slowly after birth. Effective is abdominal muscle and strength training to lose weight on the stomach. If more muscle mass is built up, it will also burn more calories.

Endurance training is a good way to burn calories in a targeted manner. Jogging, Nordic walking and cycling are good ways to slowly increase your fitness level. In the first 6 weeks after giving birth, you should not swim under any circumstances, as there is a risk of infection. After that you are welcome to swim, which is also particularly easy on the joints.

Losing weight after pregnancy with shakes

There are numerous shakes from different manufacturers that are intended to achieve rapid weight loss in the form of form diets. Most products contain a lot of protein and are intended to replace a whole main meal. Depending on the manufacturer and your weight loss goals, you can replace one, two or all three main meals with a shake every day.

This means that shakes can be used to make the diet flexible and individual. There are products to which vitamins and trace elements are added, for example from Almased® or Yokebe. This helps to prevent deficiency symptoms.

Overall, there is a high risk of a yo-yo effect when dieting with shakes, and in the first few days most people experience a performance weakness due to the few calories. Breastfeeding women should not replace more than one meal a day with a shake to provide the child with sufficient vitamins, nutrients and trace elements. Milk production and breastfeeding itself cost the body energy, so it should be carefully checked whether a shake is sufficiently filling and fits into everyday life.

Losing weight after pregnancy despite breastfeeding?

Maternal breastfeeding after pregnancy leads to weight loss in many women. The production of breast milk and breastfeeding itself cost the body a lot of strength and energy. During breastfeeding, the body automatically burns more calories than before pregnancy, i.e. an additional 400 to 600 calories a day.

Whether and how much you actually lose weight depends largely on your own hormone balance. After pregnancy, the body changes and quite a few women complain about a slower metabolism after giving birth, which makes losing weight much more difficult. A radical diet should not be followed during the breastfeeding period.

Especially in the first 6 weeks after giving birth you should recover and eat a full diet. If you want to lose weight despite breastfeeding, you should change your diet. A lot of fruit and vegetables should be eaten.

Fibre-rich food is more filling and prevents ravenous appetite attacks. In order to guarantee that the baby receives sufficient nutrition through breast milk, sufficient calcium, iron, zinc and iodine must be taken. No vitamins, trace elements or minerals should be missing in order to enable the child to develop without complaints.

Mothers should avoid sugary drinks and use unsweetened teas and plenty of water. In the first few weeks after the birth one should start to do regression gymnastics. Walks in the fresh air can be taken to get exercise. Further exercise depends on the state of training before the birth.