How can I reduce the damage? | Solarium – What you should know

How can I reduce the damage?

In general, we can only expressly advise against visiting the solarium. It is similar to smoking: No consumption is the best prevention. However, if a person does not want to do without the solarium, there are at least some things that can be done to reduce the damage.

One should always pay attention to a short period of lying in the solarium. A duration of 15 minutes per application should not be exceeded. Furthermore one should pay attention to a consequent light protection of the eyes, because otherwise damages to the cornea can occur.

Furthermore, the total number of visits to the solarium should be kept as low as possible, since the health risk increases with each visit. Under no circumstances should there be more than 50 visits per year. However, this is the maximum limit.

You should also avoid additional sunbathing, for example during vacations or in your free time. Additional unhealthy behavior, such as smoking or high alcohol consumption, should also be avoided. Before you visit a solarium, you should have your own cancer risk assessed by a dermatologist. Especially very fair-skinned persons with many moles have a high risk of skin cancer.

Can cancer be caused by a visit to a solarium?

Leading international and national health organizations, above all the WHO, classify the solarium as carcinogenic. The solarium can promote the development of skin cancer and possibly also other cancers. The high UV exposure leads to damage in the body cells, which can be accompanied by degenerative growth and ultimately cancer. In particular, the risk of the so-called spinalioma and malignant melanoma is increased. In the worst case, even a few visits to a solarium can be enough to cause cancer.

What is the best way to care for the skin after a visit to the solarium?

The solarium exposes the skin to considerable stress. After the solarium is therefore a good care is important.However, this does not minimize the harmful effects on health, but merely improves the appearance of the skin. Attention should be paid to rich, moisturizing care.

One should apply cream to the entire skin and avoid further sun exposure immediately after the solarium. If you have sunburned, it is advisable to drink at least 2.5 liters of water or unsweetened tea, as well as to cool the skin, for example with curd wraps. For an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect it is also recommended to take the drug Ibuprofen.