How can I relieve kidney pain?


The two kidneys are located to the right and left of the spine under the diaphragm in the so-called kidney bed and in the flank area. Due to this position close to the back, kidney pain often manifests itself as dull back pain or as cramp-like back pain with a radiation towards the bladder. Furthermore, the pain may occur in the area of the lowest ribs or on the side, pulling down to the lumbar region.

Since serious illnesses can be hidden behind kidney pain, it is better to consult a physician for such complaints, especially if other symptoms exist in addition to kidney pain. Indications of damage to kidney function are, for example, blood in the urine, foaming urine, pain when urinating or a changed urge behaviour. Other indications of serious kidney disease are fever, chills, nausea and vomiting or a poor general condition. The best way to treat kidney pain is to determine the cause and then to initiate appropriate therapy. However, there are various measures that you can take yourself to alleviate the pain, at least temporarily.

What to do for kidney pain?

In case of suddenly occurring very strong pain or in general in case of persistent unbearable pain, one should not hesitate to consult a doctor, otherwise serious consequences may be imminent. In general, if in doubt, one should always seek medical help, since the kidneys perform vital functions. In case of damage, therapy should therefore be started as soon as possible.

However, especially in the case of mild symptoms, there are measures that can relieve the pain well and that can be easily applied in everyday life. For example, it helps to warm up the region where the pain exists. Furthermore, one should generally make sure to drink a lot.

On the one hand, this can help in the case of an inflammation of the urinary bladder and urinary tract, which may already have spread to the kidneys, so that the causative pathogens can be eliminated more easily. On the other hand, kidney stones can also be better dissolved and washed out. In general, if you suffer from kidney pain, you should take it easy on your body and avoid heavy physical strain.