How can I tell the pain on the maternal ligaments from contractions? | Pain on the mother ligaments

How can I tell the pain on the maternal ligaments from contractions?

Pain in the mother’s ligaments can be distinguished from contractions by their temporally staggered occurrence. Contractions normally occur towards the end of pregnancy, while pain in the maternal ligaments begins at an earlier stage. The first contractions occur weeks before birth.

Due to the influence of hormones, the maternal ligaments become softer during this time and the pain symptoms cease. Furthermore, the pain at the maternal ligaments is a pulling or stabbing pain that persists over a longer period of time. During contractions, the intensity of the pain first increases due to the contraction of the uterus and then subsides again after a short time. If there is still uncertainty about whether or not a contraction is present, a CTG (cardiotocogram) can provide further information.