How can spinal diseases be diagnosed? | Symptoms of a spinal disease

How can spinal diseases be diagnosed?

Through physical examination and supporting x-rays, degenerative spinal diseases can be diagnosed. If a serious disease is suspected, computed tomography (high radiation exposure!) and magnetic resonance imaging (very cost-intensive!)

can also be used as diagnostic methods. In this case, a possible injury to the spinal cord (e.g. in the case of a slipped disc) can be easily detected. If an inflammatory spinal disease is to be detected, blood samples are preferably analyzed in the laboratory.

In some cases, additional urine and gastric juice samples may be helpful for the diagnosis. If a tumor is suspected to be the cause of the spinal disease, the diagnosis is made by means of computer tomography, bone scintigrams and magnetic resonance imaging. For some of the examinations, a contrast medium must be injected for more precise imaging.

Therapeutic measures for spinal column diseases

The therapy depends on the type of spinal disease:

  • Degenerative spinal disease In degenerative spinal disease, bed rest is usually prescribed in the acute phase. Medications are prescribed as a supportive measure to relieve pain and inhibit inflammation. Muscle relaxants (relax the cramped muscles) are also often used to provide relief for those affected by the degenerative spinal disease.
  • Chronic spinal disease If a chronic spinal disease is present, physiotherapeutic measures (for example, physiotherapy, massages, rehabilitation sports) are preferred to drug therapy or at least put aside.
  • Slipped disc If it is a severe slipped disc, surgery is inevitable.

    This is especially the case if extreme paralysis symptoms occur due to the herniated disc.

  • In the case of inflammatory spinal disease, which is usually only temporary, strict bed rest is also prescribed and patients often have a plaster corset put on to immobilize the affected spinal area completely. Then, after determining the pathogens present, antibiotic therapy of the inflammation is administered.
  • If a tumor causes the spine disease, it must be treated first. Removal of the tumor or radiation are indicated in most cases.
  • If the injury to the spinal column was caused by trauma, this spinal disease is treated by applying a cervical collar, by repositioning and stabilizing the spinal column.
  • If there is only a slight illness of the spine, a lot of movement and warmth can help.