How can the duration be shortened? | Course of the whistling glandular fever

How can the duration be shortened?

Pfeiffer’s glandular fever cannot be treated causally, i.e. the cause itself cannot be treated. However, various methods can be used to relieve the symptoms and shorten the course. As a general rule, physical rest and bed rest should be observed.

Not only because rest supports the body’s natural defences, but also because any trauma should be avoided when the spleen is enlarged in order to avoid a rupture. Antipyretic drugs, such as ibuprofen or paracetamol, are also effective against the pain and support the healing process. At elevated temperatures, the body loses a lot of fluid, which should be compensated for by a sufficient amount of water and tea.

Since the pathogen is a virus, no antibiotic should be given. Some antibiotics, such as ampicillin or amoxicillin, even worsen the course of the disease, as they trigger a drug exanthema in cases of glandular fever. So, except for superinfections with a bacterium, no antibiotics should be given. Cortisone can be given if there is a severe swelling of the tonsils with difficulty swallowing. You can find more information on the treatment of glandular fever here.

How can an asymptomatic course be recognized?

The occurrence of an asymptomatic course of the whistling glandular fever is particularly frequent in toddlers and babies. Either there are no symptoms at all or there are atypical courses with unspecific symptoms. This can be a reduced general condition, fever, sore throat or other flu symptoms.

This is often confused with a simple cold. Only a blood test can then confirm whether an infection is actually present. However, it is questionable whether such a diagnostic effort is beneficial if the patient has no or few complaints.

How to recognize a severe course

In principle, further treatment can be carried out at home after the diagnosis. There are, however, some indications by which one can recognize a severe course of the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever. In this case, one should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

In case of shortness of breath or severe difficulty swallowing, a visit to a doctor is advisable. Also indicating a severe course are severe headaches, abdominal pain, yellowing of the skin or seizures. Even if the fever cannot be lowered with medication for several days, it is advisable to see a doctor.

How do you recognize a chronic course?

A chronic course of Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is defined as the occurrence of certain symptoms even three months after the onset of the disease. This chronically active form of infectious mononucleosis is very rare and can affect adults and children. Most patients show fever with chills and inflammation of the throat. In addition, it can variably lead to pronounced fatigue, concentration problems, a generally reduced general condition and memory difficulties. By means of a laboratory diagnostic examination of the patient’s blood, certain characteristic parameters can confirm a chronification.