How can the healing process be accelerated? | Operation on the wisdom tooth

How can the healing process be accelerated?

First, the dentist often inserts a tamponade of hemostatic absorbent cotton into the wound, which promotes blood clotting and thus accelerates wound healing. To accelerate healing, several rules of conduct of the patient have also proven to be effective: Physical protection in the first few days, elevation of the upper body, light, repetitive cooling, avoidance of highly seasoned food, alcohol and nicotine. Disinfecting mouthwashes should be used only 24 hours after the procedure for a maximum of two weeks.

To lower the blood pressure in the wound area, only lukewarm or cool food and drinks should be taken at the beginning. To improve wound healing, the intake of arnica globules before and after the operation has proven to be effective. Cool, unsweetened liquids of peppermint, chamomile or fennel can have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

When and what can I eat after the surgery?

Eating soft food is usually possible again a few hours after the operation. Since the opening of the mouth, chewing and speaking are impaired due to the operation, carbohydrate-rich meals should be pureed or taken in liquid form. The temperature of the food should be cold or at most lukewarm.

This avoids irritation of the wound and the oral mucosa. After approx. 2 -3 days, normal nutrition can be resumed, whereby attention should be paid to soft foods that are easy to chew. As a matter of principle, no heavily seasoned food should be used in the first week after the operation, as this will cause additional irritation of the surgical field.

When is smoking allowed again after the operation?

Smoking releases tissue toxins that delay wound healing and promote the development of inflammation. Therefore, smoking should be resumed after seven to ten days at the earliest.

When can I do sports again after the operation?

Sports activities may only be resumed after the wound has healed. This prevents unpleasant bleeding from the wound. In the first week after the operation, you should exercise as little as possible and avoid sports.

From the second week onwards, light sports activities are possible again. However, if pain or throbbing of the wound occurs, the operation should be stopped immediately. Competitive sports or competitions can be resumed after about six weeks.