How can the production of pancreatic enzymes be stimulated? | Pancreatic enzymes

How can the production of pancreatic enzymes be stimulated?

The enzymes of the pancreas are subject to regulatory circuits of hormones and nerve impulses of the body. Just thinking about food sets some of these control loops in motion and the production of digestive enzymes is increased. The next stimulus is the distension of the stomach as an advance warning that food must be digested.

The main stimulating hormones are secretin and cholecystokinin. Secretin stimulates the production of pancreatic juice and cholecystokinin stimulates the secretion of enzymes. A control from outside is hardly possible.

What causes pancreatic enzymes to be elevated?

An increased production of pancreatic enzymes can have many causes. A particularly strong increase in the enzymes in the blood indicates acute pancreatitis. Therefore, if the upper abdominal pain is unclear, these laboratory values should always be taken into consideration.

Another possible cause for elevated values is the presence of a benign or malignant pancreatic tumour. After pancreatitis, narrowed ducts can remain as a late consequence and thus continue to increase the pancreatic enzymes. Other serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also increase these laboratory values.

These include: certain drugs can also increase certain enzymes. Heparin, opiates, antibiotics and also the contraceptive pill have an influence on enzyme production. Changed laboratory values should always be discussed with the treating doctor. – Intestinal obstructions,

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What can cause pancreatic enzymes to be reduced?

A reduced amount of pancreatic enzymes is equivalent to an underfunction of the pancreas. A chronic inflammation of the pancreas can reduce the ability to produce enzymes over a longer period of time. Malignant tumours in the pancreas can also weaken the function of the gland.

This might also be of interest to you: You can recognize pancreatic cancer from this A genetic cause can be cystic fibrosis. Mostly known as a lung disease, the disorder of the secretion composition also affects the pancreas. Such an underfunction is often manifested by digestive disorders. However, these symptoms usually only become apparent when the function of the pancreas drops below ten percent of normal performance. The therapy is usually limited to a specific therapy.

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