How can the urologist help with the desire for children? | What does a urologist do?

How can the urologist help with the desire for children?

In about 30% of the cases, the infertility of a couple can be attributed to the man. The reason for this is usually found in a reduced quantity or low quality of the sperm. In the case of infertility, a further distinction is made between permanent and temporary infertility.

The urologist can examine the male sexual organs for all abnormalities by taking a medical history and making a diagnosis. Depending on the cause of infertility, various therapies can be used to achieve fertility. For example, if infertility is caused by high blood pressure, simple medication or a change in lifestyle can already promote fertility.

Smoking and alcohol can also have a negative influence on fertility in men. If a man’s sex hormone level is too low, intervention can be carried out by administering these hormones artificially. If all these therapeutic options do not lead to the desired success, in vitro fertilisation or intracytoplasmic sperm injection can still be used. However, this is not carried out by a urologist but by doctors who specialise in these procedures.