How can the vagus nerve be stimulated? | Vagus nerve

How can the vagus nerve be stimulated?

Vagus nerve stimulation is a recognized therapy for epilepsy, depression and anxiety disorders, for example. There are different procedures. In an invasive method, a pulse generator is transplanted under the skin.

This stimulates the vagus regularly via an electrode. Another, non-invasive method is to stimulate the nerve at the auricle through the skin. The excitation is transmitted via the nerve to the brain, where it has a stimulating effect.

What is the influence of the vagus nerve on nausea?

The nervus vagus, together with the 9th cranial nerve, is responsible for triggering and controlling the nausea stimulus. Since the nausea stimulus is mainly triggered by nausea, there is a direct connection between the vagus nerve and nausea. Stimulation of the vagus can therefore cause nausea and also vomiting. In addition, the vagus stimulates the production of gastric juice. This is very acidic and leads to nausea and abdominal pain when the production is increased.

What influence does the vagus nerve have in cardiac arrhythmia?

As already mentioned, the vagus nerve has a damping effect on the heart rate. Manipulation of the heart rate, especially if it has very sudden effects, always carries the risk of cardiac arrhythmia. The parasympathetic nerve prolongs the time of transition within the heart between the atrium and the ventricle, thereby slowing down the heart rate. However, it may happen that the transition has taken too long and the ventricle has already become independent and is working in an irregular rhythm.