HOW can you initiate labor yourself? | Initiate contractions

HOW can you initiate labor yourself?

Through various behavioral measures, the induction of labor can be promoted and supported independently.

  • Physical activity: Physical activity with moderate exertion such as climbing stairs or walking fast can cause contractions. Circular movements of the pelvis can also promote contractions.
  • Relaxing baths: warm and relaxing baths and aromatherapy can have the same effect.
  • Sexual intercourse: if the amniotic sac is still intact, sexual intercourse can also have a positive influence on the promotion of contractions.

    The female orgasm can cause contractions of the uterus due to the hormone oxytocin and thus promote contractions. The prostaglandin contained in male sperm can also support the maturation of the cervix during ejaculation in the vagina, making it softer and shorter. However, many women do not feel like having sexual intercourse, especially in the days before giving birth.

    Nevertheless, simple physical closeness and togetherness in the form of caresses, kisses or the targeted stimulation of the nipples can have a contraction-promoting effect. Here too, the contraction-promoting hormone oxytocin is released.

  • Massages: Massages, especially those of the abdomen, in combination with essential oils such as clove oil can also have a positive influence on the contractions.
  • Relaxation & stress avoidance: it is important not only to want to induce contractions through targeted measures, but also to create the right conditions for the beginning of labor and the subsequent birth process. Relaxation for the body and soul and stress avoidance are indispensable for this.

What are the RISKS of inducing labor?

As with any use of medication, the use of contraceptive drugs is not without risks.

  • Hyperstimulation of the uterus: possible side effects of active substances induced by contractions can be hyperstimulation of the uterus. In this case, the uterus reacts too strongly to the contraction stimulus and reacts with too frequent and too strong contractions, a veritable contraction storm.In the context of too rapid contractions, the baby may also be maladjusted, i.e. the unborn child may adopt a position in the womb that is incompatible with vaginal delivery.

    The risk of hyperstimulation of the uterus is somewhat higher in multi-birth women.

  • Rupture of the uterus or caesarean section: in very severe, though fortunately rare cases, a rupture of the uterus can also occur, medically called uterine rupture. The risk of this is increased, for example, after surgery on the uterus. This also includes previous caesarean sections.

    Since the risk is particularly high when using prostaglandins that promote labour, this is not used in patients with pre-operated uterus.

  • Changes in fetal heart sounds: Changes in fetal heart sounds, which can be displayed by means of the so-called cardiotocogram (more commonly known by the abbreviation “CTG”), can also be triggered by contraction-initiating measures. Depending on the severity of these changes, rapid child development may be necessary if the unborn child is in imminent danger, which can usually only be achieved by a caesarean section.
  • Other risks: Other possible side effects of using birth-control drugs include nausea, vomiting and digestive disorders, often in the form of diarrhoea. An increase in body temperature up to a fever can also occur.