How can you prevent the blackfly bite? | The blackfly

How can you prevent the blackfly bite?

A good prevention against the bite of the blackfly is the best strategy to avoid inflammations and allergies. In addition one should avoid the breeding places of the mosquitoes, thus flowing waters. In addition, long clothing protects against the bite of the insects. Additionally there are mosquito deterrents, such as essential oils like citrus or eucalyptus or special anti-mosquito sprays. They keep the blackflies away for several hours.

Which doctor treats a mosquito bite?

The family of the blackfly occurs worldwide with its approximately 200 species. More than 50 of these species can be found in Germany. However, a transmission of the “Onchozerkose”, that can lead to the “river-blindness“, could be observed only in tropical regions until now. Native species of the blackfly, on the other hand, transmit borreliosis in some cases.

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It is difficult to estimate the duration of a blackfly bite. It depends heavily on how clean the wound is kept, how fast the wound is healing and how prone a patient is to allergies and severe infections. It is very rare that these complications occur and a bite from the blackfly does not heal within a few days without consequences. If this is not the case and further symptoms such as pain or pus are added, a doctor should be consulted.