How can you prevent the umbilical cord from wrapping around the neck? | Umbilical cord around the neck

How can you prevent the umbilical cord from wrapping around the neck?

Umbilical cord wrapping cannot be prevented, but it does not automatically pose a danger either. Even certain movement exercises or sleeping positions do not change the probability of a wrapping. A danger for the child during birth can be prevented by controlling the child’s circulation more often. If there are abnormalities in the CTG, a caesarean section may be necessary, thus reducing the risk of complications. If a sibling has already died during birth, a primary Caesarean section without CTG abnormalities can be recommended.

What can be the late effects of an umbilical cord wrapped around the neck?

Circulation problems and a lack of oxygen can occur if the patient is wrapped around the body in a way that is relevant to the circulation. This can affect the whole body of the child, this happens when the umbilical cord itself is squeezed, or only the brain of the child when the neck is tightly wrapped. An undersupply of oxygen leads to the death of cells in all organs.

The brain is particularly susceptible to a lack of oxygen. An oxygen deficiency in the brain can lead to permanent mental and physical disabilities of the child. The child’s development can be slowed and restricted.

These consequential damages cannot be foreseen immediately after birth and only become apparent as the child grows older. In the case of severe damage, drinking weakness can also occur immediately after birth and the children can appear apathetic. Artificial respiration and oxygenation after birth may also be necessary. During a long oxygen therapy the toxic effect of oxygen can cause blindness. The late effects can range from mild learning disabilities to severe multiple disabilities.


In late pregnancy and shortly before birth, an umbilical cord wrap can be visible in ultrasound. In case of a previous stillbirth, expectant parents are recommended to have a Doppler ultrasound examination to assess the blood supply of the child. Circulation-relevant wrappings are also visible in the CTG, especially during birth.In the case of an already known wrap, a CTG is written at shorter intervals and thus the circulation of the unborn child is monitored. In many children, the wrap is only visible during birth and does not cause any CTG abnormalities.