How dangerous is atlas correction? | Atlas correction

How dangerous is atlas correction?

As already described, atlas correction is a rather gentle form of therapy. Due to the absence of direct mechanical manipulation of the vertebral body, the risk is considered low. Since whiplash injuries after accidents or other traumatic events with uncontrolled force effects on the musculoskeletal system can cause marginal malpositioning, up to fractures (bone fractures), a clear diagnosis should be made in advance.

The clarification should distinguish between soft tissue injury and anatomically altered conditions in order to enable adequate medical care. If there are no endangered defects in the area of the spinal column, an atlas correction can be carried out at low risk. In the context of chronic illnesses such as osteoporosis, severe scoliosis, malformations, spinal stenosis or after orthopaedic/accident surgery, medical advice should always be sought beforehand. It is conceivable that in these cases shock wave therapy or similar applications may result in spontaneous fractures or other consequences. Due to the location of the central nervous system in the spinal column, great caution is required in such cases if the circumstances are unclear.

Duration of the therapy

The therapy is carried out in one session, which means that the treatment scheme is based on a one to two hour session. In order to wait for the body’s reactions afterwards, a period of four to eight weeks is recommended during which the body can adapt. After this period, a control appointment is recommended, in which the current position of the atlas is determined again and corrected again if necessary.

The control appointment lasts about one hour. No figures have been published so far. It is certain that in some cases corrections will be made in the second session if it is determined that the complete final position of the atlas has not yet been reached.

Is it possible to perform an atlas correction independently?

The atlas correction is a gentle and sensitive matter, which should not be carried out when the patient is suspected of having a disease on his own. The area of the cervical spine is a vulnerable region that should only be treated by persons with appropriate training. For an adequate treatment, a precise knowledge of the anatomy of the bones, as well as the muscles and pathways is necessary. Since the therapy is carried out with different devices depending on the provider, one is not even able to carry out an atlas correction due to lack of knowledge and without the support of equipment.

What is the situation regarding the assumption of costs for atlas correction?

In principle, the atlas correction is a controversial topic in science, where no agreement on the benefit has been reached to date. The scientific background is missing, which could not be proven by serious studies. Consequently, this form of therapy has not yet been recognised and is not included in the catalogue of objects of the statutory health and health insurance companies. In rare cases, the therapies are covered by supplementary insurances after an examination of the cost coverage has taken place.