How dangerous is that? | Exercises against inhalation pain

How dangerous is that?

Whether pain when inhaled is dangerous or not also depends on the cause of the symptoms. In general, if pain occurs when inhaling, patients should first remain calm, often there is a simple explanation for the problems. If, however, the problems persist or occur for no apparent reason, a doctor should be consulted as soon as possible to prevent a more serious course of the disease from developing at an early stage.

  • If the pain is due, for example, to tension or because the person concerned was not used to the strain of sports, it is less dangerous and can be easily treated by adjusting the physical activity or muscle-relaxing exercises.
  • However, if the pain on inhalation is caused by serious illnesses, such as pneumonia or diseases of internal organs, it can under certain circumstances become life-threatening for those affected.


The therapy and treatment for pain when inhaling depends primarily on the cause of the pain. Depending on the cause, an appropriate therapeutic procedure can then be initiated. This can include the following aspects, for example.

Physiotherapy to relax cramped muscles, movement and posture training, heat applications, stretching and strengthening exercises as well as breath specific exercises. More information about physiotherapeutic treatment for these symptoms can be found here: Pain when inhaling – Physiotherapy Respiratory Therapy Drug therapy if it concerns diseases such as asthma or COPD. Exercise therapy Under certain circumstances group therapy for socialization and for better handling of the problems, so that no psychological problems are added.

In any case, it is important for patients who suffer from pain that persists over a longer period of time or is getting worse to consult a doctor in order to start an appropriate therapy immediately. This article may also be of interest to you in this regard:

  • Posture school
  • Postural deficiency
  • Stretching exercises
  • Physiotherapy coordination and balance exercises
  1. Adaptation of the training behavior to the individual performance level
  2. Physiotherapy to relax cramped muscles, movement and posture training, heat applications, stretching and strengthening exercises as well as breath specific exercises. More information about physiotherapeutic treatment for these symptoms can be found here: Pain when breathing in – Physiotherapy
  3. Breath Therapy
  4. Drug therapy if it concerns diseases such as asthma or COPD
  5. Exercise therapy
  6. Possibly group therapy for socialization and better handling of the problems, so that no psychological problems are added.