How do I apply for an educational assistance? | Educational assistance

How do I apply for an educational assistance?

With the youth welfare department or an advisory board for educating assistance all necessary forms, which it must fill out, are put to the applicant of an educating assistance landscape at the disposal. The application must include information about the family’s life situation and the child’s path in life. After the application has been submitted, it will be examined and evaluated to determine whether a “Erziehungsbeistandschaft” is really necessary and helpful.

If the application is granted, the first contact between the young person and the educational assistance takes place. When applying for an educational assistance, the applicant must contact the youth welfare office or a counseling center of an independent institution for an initial interview with the district social service. The young person or the parents apply to the responsible district social worker for an educational assistance, this action causes no costs to the applicant.

Who bears the costs?

Educational assistance is a social benefit. They serve to implement social justice, so that a humane existence is protected and people can develop their personality freely. Accordingly, the state (the youth welfare office) assumes the costs of an educational assistance program and covers them through the gross domestic product.

An exception can be delinquent young people for whom the court prescribes educational assistance. With them the youth welfare department possibly does not take over the costs. Our next topic could also be interesting for you: Educational assistance