How do the symptoms of a rib fracture differ from a rib contusion? | Symptoms of rib fracture

How do the symptoms of a rib fracture differ from a rib contusion?

A broken rib and a bruised rib are difficult to distinguish at first glance. The doctor first tries to determine whether it is a rib fracture by palpation. As a rule, a small step within the rib is palpated, whereas in the case of a rib contusion the rib bones are intact.

To determine with certainty whether a contusion or a fracture is present, X-ray examinations are performed. In exceptional cases, CT or MRT can also be performed. In general, it can be said that a rib contusion is less painful than a rib fracture.

Accordingly, rib contusions heal within two to three weeks, while rib fractures take up to eight weeks to heal completely. Both rib contusions and broken ribs cause pain when breathing deeply, coughing and sneezing. Depending on the severity of the rib contusion, bruising may also be visible from the outside.

These bruises are also a side effect of a broken rib. In order to be able to distinguish with complete certainty whether a rib fracture or a rib contusion is involved, however, an X-ray must be taken in normal cases. The symptoms of a rib contusion and a rib fracture differ only slightly.However, based on the intensity of the pain and by simple palpation, it is possible to make a tentative diagnosis that will most likely correspond to the diagnosis made by X-ray.

Symptoms of rib fracture in the child

When children are injured or have an accident, not only the child is frightened but also the parents are faced with a challenging situation. Since children often have difficulty expressing where exactly they are in pain and in what kind of pain they are experiencing, parents must ask specifically where it hurts and they should also observe the child closely. Children can also suffer a broken rib due to a fall or accident.

The child, when he or she is a little older, may be able to describe that they have heard a cracking sound. Rib fractures can also be very painful in children. One indication of one or more broken ribs can be shallow breathing.

The injured child does not breathe normally deep because it is more painful. Any kind of movement can also cause pain, so the child should be calmed and kept calm until medical help arrives. Furthermore, internal organs can be injured by the broken rib. Some rib fractures can therefore also lead to a deep-lying bruise. In any case, the child should be examined more closely by a doctor.