How Healthy are Figs?

Figs not only taste delicious, but they are also very healthy. In addition to digestive fiber, the sweet fruits also contain various vitamins and important minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Even in terms of calories, figs need not hide, because they have hardly more calories than apples – but this applies only to the fresh fruit, because dried figs are nothing for the slim line. Read here how figs affect our health.

Less calories than you think

Even slim people can eat fresh figs without hesitation. 100 grams of fresh figs have an average of 63 kilocalories (kcal). Thus you fall hardly more in the weight than apples, which have approximately 55 kilocalories. However, the situation is quite different with dried figs. Because the drying process increases the calorie content to 247 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Figs – fruit rich in vitamins

Fat is hardly contained in figs, but many vitamins and minerals:

In addition, figs contain potassium, phosphorus and iron. Potassium can help normalize blood pressure. Iron, in turn, is needed for blood formation.

Good for digestion

Figs have low acidity and are a boon to digestion. With their many small seeds, they provide the intestines with lots of healthy fiber. Therefore, figs can also be used well against constipation. To do this, you can simply cover some dried fruit with water in the evening, let it stand overnight and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach along with the soaking water.

Healthy effect of figs

Their various ingredients make fresh figs a valuable food with various positive effects on health. Thus, figs are considered healthy for:

  • The heart, thanks to their high potassium and magnesium content.
  • The nerves – especially B vitamins are important for the nervous system
  • The concentration, which is supported by fructose as well as glucose
  • The bones, because calcium and potassium protect against osteoporosis
  • Skin, hair and nails
  • Digestion and weight management due to the many fibers

Dried figs provide energy

By drying, figs lose their original pear-shaped form and become round and flatter. Their liquid is also lost and so the composition of nutrients changes. Because of their large fructose content, dried fruits contain more carbohydrates. Dried figs have about 55 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams – in comparison, fresh figs have only about 13 grams. They also provide significantly more calories than fresh figs. This means that the nutritional value of dried figs is particularly high – which also makes them so popular as a source of energy for sports. 100 grams of dried figs contain about 3.5 grams of protein and 1.3 grams of fat. They contain vitamins A, C and many B vitamins, especially folic acid. With a fiber content of 13 percent, they provide excellent support for healthy digestion.

Buy figs – what to look for?

Greek figs are particularly delicious: sweet and juicy. Figs have been cultivated in Greece since ancient times and are harvested from August. Fresh figs are therefore available in our country from mid-August. Depending on the variety, figs are dark purple on the outside like an eggplant, green, brown or they vary from light to dark yellow-red. Likewise, the flesh has different colors: from amber to strawberry. The yellow seeds that intersperse the flesh are typical. When purchased, figs should be soft but externally undamaged and not mushy. The fruits, which are sensitive to pressure and perish quickly, can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of two to three days. Unripe figs can be allowed to ripen at room temperature.

How to eat figs?

The question of how best to eat figs is quite simple to answer: After the stem is removed by twisting, the whole fruit with skin can be eaten.Peeling is difficult and also not necessary. However, you should make sure to wash the fruit thoroughly. If you do not like the skin, you can cut the fig and eat the inside with a spoon.

Enjoy figs fresh

Fresh figs are great to use in both cold and hot cuisine. In addition, figs are delicious snacks and are also great to make chutney. For example, figs wrapped in bacon or figs with goat cheese are extremely popular as finger foods or appetizers. An equally popular recipe combines these three ingredients: Slice open the figs, add a blob of goat cheese, wrap the whole thing with breakfast bacon and place on the heated grill – done. Figs also add a special touch to salads and even game dishes. If you like it particularly fancy, you can also pickle the figs in red wine before processing. There are no limits to your own imagination – recipes with figs are endless. Take advantage of the season and buy fresh figs for healthy, nutritious and delicious recipes for your health.

Dried figs in the kitchen

If there are no more fresh figs to buy, dried fruits offer a good alternative. Dried figs are not only suitable as a healthy snack in between meals. They can be easily cut and are delicious ingredients when baking cakes or bread, with meat and, for example, lentil dishes. Dried figs can also be made into liqueurs and chutneys. Dried figs are available all year round and can be kept for several months if stored in a cool, dry place. A white coating is quite normal: this is crystallized sugar that has settled on the exterior of the fruit.

Fig mustard and fig jam

Fig mustard or fig jam are also popular products made from figs. Fig mustard goes well with cheese and meat, but is also suitable as a spread. For the production of fig mustard can also be used very well previously soaked dried figs. Fig jam is made mainly from fresh fruit.

The fig tree

Figs are among the oldest cultivated plants. Even Aristotle considered them the best fruit that can protect us humans from poison. The trees originated in the countries around the Mediterranean, but today they also grow in Central and South America. They are quite undemanding and do not need much water. Even in mild wine-growing areas of Germany, fig trees thrive. However, they cannot tolerate cold and frost. Figs are pseudo-fruits, sheaths for the flowers and seed. Eaten are actually hidden flowers and their seeds, the many small grains. Only female fig trees can bear fruit – but a male tree is also needed for fertilization, otherwise the tree will not bear figs. Fertilization is done by certain species of wasps. However, numerous self-pollinating fig varieties are now available for home gardens, allowing plants to bear figs even without a second tree (or pollination by wasps).