How Hemorrhoid Ointments Help

Hemorrhoids not only itch and burn like hell, but are also located in a place that is a taboo zone for many people – the anus. Nevertheless, those affected should not shy away from going to the doctor or pharmacy, because if hemorrhoids are not treated in time, they can enlarge and, in the worst case, require surgery. In an earlier stage of the disease, on the other hand, a hemorrhoid ointment or suppository is usually enough to get rid of the annoying itch.

Apply hemorrhoid ointment

At the latest when inflammation and wetness form around the anus or there is blood in the stool, those affected should resort to medication. A classic is the hemorrhoid ointment. As a rule, every hemorrhoid ointment comes with a special attachment for the tube. This is either elongated with several lateral outlets or tapered with an outlet in front. Before use, some cream should be spread on the attachment to facilitate insertion. Then the attachment is placed on the opening of the tube and inserted completely into the anus while carefully twisting it. Now gently press on the tube and at the same time pull out the hemorrhoid ointment while continuously rotating it. The attachment should be cleaned with hot water and a mild washing lotion after each use.

Active ingredients in hemorrhoid ointments.

Hemorrhoid ointments or hemorrhoid suppositories usually contain active ingredients to treat inflammation, pain and itching. This does not combat the hemorrhoids themselves, but only relieves the symptoms. To strengthen the immune system and accelerate wound healing, Escherichia coli bacteria are occasionally added to a hemorrhoid ointment. The main active ingredients are at a glance:

  • Benzocaine, cinchocaine, lidocaine and quinisocaine: these active ingredients are different local anesthetics. So they have an anesthetic effect and thus relieve the pain.
  • Cortisone: For hemorrhoids, the active ingredient hydrocortisone acetate is used primarily. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves itching. In the long term, however, it damages the skin and can promote fungal infections. Cortisone should therefore always be used only for a short period and in consultation with the doctor.
  • Herbal preparations: active ingredients such as witch hazel are anti-inflammatory. In combination with beeswax or vegetable oils, they soothe the skin.
  • Zinc oxide: Ointments with zinc also have a skin-soothing effect. Especially for weeping hemorrhoids they are recommended.

Depending on the severity, hemorrhoids are divided into four different stages. Hemorrhoid ointment should be used especially for stage I hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid ointment against dark circles and wrinkles.

Some models and Hollywood actors swear by hemorrhoid ointment against dark circles and puffy eyes to look radiant the next morning after partying all night. In fact, hemorrhoid ointment helps against dark circles under the eyes, because the ingredients of the cream cause the blood vessels to contract, thus causing the skin to become less puffy. As a result, bags under the eyes and dark shadows under the eyes disappear. Nevertheless, this method of treatment is not recommended, because the hemorrhoid ointment makes the skin dry out and thus promotes the development of wrinkles. In addition, the ingredients of a hemorrhoid ointment are usually not suitable for the delicate skin of the face. Cortisone, local anesthetics and anti-inflammatories do not belong on healthy skin, because they thin it, dry it out and can even cause bleeding. Against dark circles, cucumber slices or compresses of cold black tea should be used instead of hemorrhoid ointment.

Prevent hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are usually accompanied by inflammation and wetness, which leads to itching and eczema. To prevent hemorrhoids, careful anal hygiene is essential. It is advisable to clean the area with lukewarm water after each visit to the toilet. Then carefully pat dry and treat the anal area with a care or zinc cream. In between, sitz baths or moist compresses with chamomile can provide relief. In general, anything that increases the internal pressure in the bowel has a negative effect on hemorrhoids. Affected people should therefore avoid it:

  • Strong pressing during defecation
  • Coffee and alcohol
  • Spicy or flatulent foods
  • Physical overexertion
  • long sitting

Pregnancy and obesity can also bring hemorrhoids, making hemorrhoid ointment necessary.