How Houseplants Clean Indoor Air

Headaches, shortness of breath, dizziness and constant fatigue after a few hours in the office – volatile chemicals in indoor air are often to blame. At the top of the list of pollutants is formaldehyde, an all-around chemical that is still in many pieces of furniture. But houseplants can filter toxins in furniture, carpets and computers. The densely leafy birch fig, the robust dragon tree or the heart-shaped philodendron not only look good and bring a bit of nature into sober offices, they also perform well as toxin filters.

Orchid, ivy and co. filter pollutants

For about twenty years, scientists have been studying the effect of plants indoors. The first real breakthrough came in a study by the U.S. space agency NASA – namely, the realization that plants clean the air. The research results of the John C. Stennis Space Center showed: especially orchid, gerbera, ivy and areca palm or betel palm filter pollutants from the air. For smokers, birch fig and green lily are especially recommended.

Good working atmosphere

Special enzymes convert ingested toxins into harmless substances, which are then recycled by the plant. Although green plants cannot completely clean the air of heavily polluted rooms, they can significantly improve the “working climate” in sufficient number and size – so it is not done with a small plant in the corner. In addition, many plants are optimal humidifiers. They ensure that the occupants feel comfortable even in dry heat.

Sick Building Syndrome

According to a study by the German Federal Environmental Agency, we spend about 20 hours a day indoors. Volatile solvents, which are almost always found in paints and varnishes, often trigger symptoms such as headaches and circulatory problems. Well-known examples are formaldehyde in carpeting, chipboard or insulating foams, but also in tobacco smoke, wood preservatives or insulation materials containing asbestos, and mold.

A direct connection between disease symptoms and pollutant intake is usually not immediately apparent. Environmental physicians have a technical term for this: “sick building syndrome“. Many complaints are non-specific. This complicates the diagnosis, which is usually made by an environmental physician. A “sick building syndrome” is indicated when the affected person experiences symptoms in certain rooms that subside as soon as he or she is out in the fresh air.

The all-round poison formaldehyde becomes harmless

Formaldehyde as a binder is mainly used in wood-based materials, i.e. particleboard, plywood and blockboard. Particleboard is used for interior finishes and furniture – a staple in offices. The chemical escapes as a volatile gas from the various materials (wood-based materials, flooring, textiles, etc.). Scientists at the Research Center for Environment and Health (GSF) near Munich have discovered that the leaves of plants contain a protein substance that converts formaldehyde into non-toxic natural substances such as amino acids and sugars. The detoxification reaction is similar to the metabolic processes in the animal and human liver.

In analogy to the “green lung“, the GSF scientists therefore refer to the plant detoxification system as the “green liver“. Not all houseplants detoxify equally well, however. The birch fig, the ray aralia and the ivy are considered to be particularly effective. However, living air filters cannot completely remove formaldehyde from indoor air, even under optimal growing conditions.

Plants are good for the brain

Plants also work wonders for the human brain: students learn better when plants are in the classroom. That’s what researchers at Reading University in London have found. In crowded classrooms, carbon dioxides impair concentration. Indoor plants such as yucca palms convert the gas into oxygen. Plants in the office can also boost work performance. Many employees experience houseplants as not only boosting concentration, but also reducing stress.