How is it diagnosed? | Dizziness when lying down

How is it diagnosed?

The most common cause of dizziness when lying down is the so-called benign paroxysmal positioning vertigo. This type of dizziness is benign and its most important characteristic is that it occurs as a result of a change in the position of the head or the entire body. In order to diagnose the disease, a conversation between the doctor and the affected person is usually first sought.

In this so-called anamnesis, indications of the possible trigger of the symptoms are collected. In addition, there is a special provocation test for positional vertigo, the Dix-Hallpike positional test. This test is intended to trigger the dizziness in the affected person. To do this, the person is quickly laid down and the doctor observes the eyes. If a so-called nystagmus occurs, i.e. a rapid back and forth movement of the eyes, this is a clear sign that the vertigo has set in.

What are the treatment options for vertigo when lying down?

Often the symptoms go away quite quickly on their own. However, if you have recurring or persistent problems, you should consult a doctor. The therapy for dizziness when lying down consists of removing the otoliths from the archways of the vestibular organ.

However, this is not achieved by medication, but by lying down exercises. The stones in the archways are moved in such a way that they fall out again so that they no longer interfere. There are two maneuvers with sequences of targeted head and body movements for this purpose.

The Sémont and the Epley maneuver.They are performed by a doctor and, once learned, can later be performed independently by patients at home. In the case of rotational vertigo while lying down, the homeopathic remedy Rhus toxicodendron D12 is used. Up to 5 globules can be taken three times a day.

Potassium phosphoricum is also an effective remedy for dizziness caused by changes in position, and Belladonna can also be taken in homeopathic doses. If nausea also occurs, nux vomica is often a good remedy. If the dizziness when lying down is caused by changes in blood pressure, the symptoms can be relieved with Conium macalatum.