How long after ovulation are you fertile? | Ovulation

How long after ovulation are you fertile?

Fertilization, also called fertilization or conception, can only take place within a certain time window. This is dependent on the fertility of the egg cell on the one hand and on the fertility of the sperm on the other. The optimal time for fertilization is about two days before and one day after ovulation.

The egg cell is fertile for only 24 hours. After ovulation, the time span for fertilisation is therefore slightly less than 24 hours. In contrast, sperm can remain fertile for between 48 and 72 hours.

If sexual intercourse takes place two to three days before ovulation, pregnancy can still occur. There are various commercial devices for detecting ovulation. These devices measure changes in the hormone level of the urine and can therefore predict the woman’s fertile days with a certain probability.

However, it is not possible to determine an exact time for ovulation. The measurement is based on a determination of the hormone levels of the hormones estrogen and LH (luteinizing hormone). The probability of fertile days can be estimated on the basis of the increase in both hormones.

Depending on the type of measuring device, between 2 and 4 fertile days can be estimated.The test should be performed with the first urine after the sleep phase, as the hormone concentration is highest in this urine. Before the test can be used, the length of the cycle must be determined. The meter uses the cycle length to determine on which day of the cycle the test should be started. The test uses the hormone concentration to indicate days with increased, non-increased or maximum fertility.

What causes ovulation?

Ovulation is triggered by changes in the hormone balance of the woman. This changes regularly during the menstrual cycle. The hormones FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) stimulate several follicles in the ovary to grow.

One turns out to be the dominant egg and grows the most. This egg is then released by the hormones estrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH and prostaglandins. The stimulation by the hormones is the trigger for ovulation. This may also be of interest to you:

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