How long do the pustule spots remain? | Pimples on the back

How long do the pustule spots remain?

The duration of pus pimples on the back depends on the cause. If it is a causal allergic reaction, the symptoms decrease as soon as the allergen is avoided. As a rule, uncomplicated healing in these cases usually takes no longer than a week.

If acne is present, the duration depends on the severity of the acne, its form and other individual factors. For example, acne infantum, which occurs in small children, is mild and self-limiting. Acne fulminans on the other hand is a severe form. Strong, inflamed processes occur, which heal after some time with large scars.

Should I squeeze pus pimples on my back?

The pus pimples on the back should never be squeezed out on their own – not even if the person concerned has acrobatic skills to do so. In addition, the partner should definitely refrain from squeezing the pus pimples. Expressing the pimples on your own can increase the inflammation, worsen the skin condition and delay the healing process. Under unfavorable conditions, complications can occur. In addition, irreversible, ugly scars can develop.

Pimples on the back of the woman

A special form of acne occurs more often, especially in women. The acne excoriee of the jeunes filles. This is a discrete acne vulgaris, which is maintained and worsened by manipulation.

A psychological component is suspected. In addition, women may develop pus pimples on the back due to hyperandrogenemia. This means that there is an excess of male hormones in the woman.

Consequently, the female and male sex hormones are imbalanced. This can lead to acne or impure skin on the back, among other things. This can be caused by overactivity of the ovaries, for example in polycystic ovaries, a tumor in that area, overactivity of the adrenal gland or the use of steroids.

The diagnosis is made by a blood test and the measurement of hormone levels. The treatment of an excess of male hormones in women usually involves hormone blockade and thus blocking the overactivity of the ovaries, as these also produce the male sex hormones. This can be achieved by regularly taking a contraceptive pill.

If the adrenal glands are overactive, cortisone preparations are used for treatment. It should also be noted that fatty tissue can also produce male sex hormones. Therefore overweight women must pay attention to their weight and make a lifestyle modification accordingly.