How long does a lung biopsy take? | Lung biopsy

How long does a lung biopsy take?

Depending on which method is used, a lung biopsy takes different amounts of time. As a rule, one must reckon with 5 to 30 minutes. In addition, there is the preparation and follow-up work, which usually takes more time than the biopsy itself.

Costs for a lung biopsy

Bronchoscopy with surgical intervention costs 52.46 euros according to the simple rate of the scale of fees for doctors. The factor can be increased 2-3 times. In addition, there are the other material costs. As a rule, the health insurance company covers the costs of a lung biopsy, as this is only carried out by a physician after an indication.

Are there alternatives?

There are no alternatives that provide evidence of an underlying disease. Imaging procedures such as an MRI of the lungs or a CT of the lungs can only provide evidence of an underlying disease.