How long does it take for hair to recover from iron deficiency? | How to remedy an iron deficiency

How long does it take for hair to recover from iron deficiency?

Due to a long-standing iron deficiency, hair becomes thin, brittle, fragile and falls out more often. If the iron stores are replenished after 2-3 months of intensive therapy, the hair can also slowly regenerate. 3% of hair falls out every 4 weeks.

New hairs are continuously formed – on average, they grow 0.4 millimeters daily. Depending on how long the deficiency existed and how many hairs were affected in the growth phase, a complete regeneration can take several years. However, differences will be noticed after only one year.

How do you remedy iron deficiency during pregnancy?

Pregnant women need a larger blood volume to supply the placenta with sufficient oxygen and nutrients. Larger quantities of iron are also required for increased blood formation. In principle, pregnant women can take any iron supplement that is available on the market without a prescription.

Some tablets or juices are specially labelled for pregnant women, usually these preparations contain additional folic acid, which is especially important in the first month of pregnancy. If there is a very pronounced symptomatic iron deficiency, iron infusions can also be ordered by the doctor under strict indication. Iron infusions should not be given during the first third of pregnancy. You can find more information on this topic at Iron deficiency during pregnancy

How to remedy iron deficiency in vegetarians?

Meat is the best known supplier of iron. Especially red meat is high in its iron content. For those who want to do without meat, there are still different ways to fill their iron stores.

In particular, certain foods can be important sources of iron: These include lentils, white beans or whole grain products. Eggs, raisins and almonds also contain iron and can be an important source of iron for vegetarians. For those interested, it is worth taking a look at the food contents.

In many online portals you can find lists of iron-containing foods for vegetarians. In addition to the intake of iron through food, iron supplements can also be used in case of iron deficiency. There is a large number of different manufacturers and dosage forms of iron-containing drugs that can be purchased over the counter in health food stores or pharmacies. Gelatin-free tablets are also available on the market and some are specially labelled.