How long does shingles on the head last? | Shingles on the head

How long does shingles on the head last?

Shingles on the head usually heals within about two weeks. Typically, general symptoms such as headaches and aching limbs, possibly a slight fever and itching in the area of the affected skin areas occur within the first few days. Within two to three days, the characteristic herpes zoster blisters with severe pain develop.

These typically burst open within a few days and dry out in the further course of the disease (duration: about 10 days). If antiviral treatment is started early, the disease will heal. After three to four weeks at the latest, all symptoms should have subsided.

How dangerous can shingles on the head become?

In the absence of antiviral treatment for shingles on the head, the viruses spread in the area of the nerve fibers and damage them. Depending on which nerves are affected, serious side effects can occur. If the trigmenius nerve, which is responsible for sensitivity in the face, is affected and damaged, chronic pain can occur (post-zoster neuralgia).

If the virus spreads via the ophthalmic nerve (branch of the trigeminal nerve), it can also spread to the area around the eyes and lead to visual impairment and even blindness. By spreading via the vestibulocochlear nerve, balance and hearing disorders are possible. In addition, muscle paralysis in the area of the face can also occur. Severe infections can also occur as a result of the viruses spreading into the brain substance or infecting organs.

How contagious is shingles on the head?

A transmission of the varicella zoster virus (VZV) in case of shingles on the head is possible. The herpes zoster blisters contain the virus particles. Contact with the secretion of the burst blisters can therefore lead to transmission of the viruses.This affects patients who are not known to have chickenpox. However, chickenpox also occurs first and only then, through reactivation of the viruses, does shingles develop. After contact with the herpes zoster blisters, thorough washing of the hands is recommended.