How long does testicular inflammation last?


An inflammation of the testes describes an infectious inflammation of the testes (lat. Orchitis), which is often caused by viruses. Usually the inflammation also spreads to the epididymis (lat.

epididymitis), so that an exact delimitation of the inflammation is not possible. An inflammation of the testicles causes severe pain and leads to swelling and redness. If testicle inflammation is suspected, a doctor should be consulted, as otherwise the testicle may lose its function.

How long does testicular inflammation last in total?

The duration of the disease depends on the pathogen that caused the inflammation and the response to therapy. Another important aspect is the timing of the visit to the doctor. If you have waited longer and the inflammation has spread, healing will take longer.

The most common pathogen causing testicular inflammation (lat. orchitis) is the mumps virus. No antibiotics are effective here and only general measures and anti-inflammatory therapy can help.

It usually takes seven to ten days until the symptoms disappear. In about one percent of patients the disease persists and the testicles lose their function. The patients become infertile as a result.

Bacterial testicular inflammation, on the other hand, can be treated well with antibiotics. If the antibiotic responds, the disease disappears within a few days. If the inflammation cannot be treated successfully and continues to spread or an abscess (accumulation of pus) forms, surgical repair may be necessary. In this case, the duration of the healing process is also extended. It can last several weeks.

The duration of the symptoms

The duration of the symptoms depends on the duration of the disease. If the course is uncomplicated, the duration is about seven to ten days. The symptoms subside afterwards.

The inflammation of the testicles initially manifests itself through unspecific symptoms such as fever and fatigue. These symptoms appear one to two days earlier and represent the beginning of the disease. In the course of the disease there is redness, swelling and severe pain in the testicles.

The redness and swelling can even persist for a few days after healing, as the surrounding tissue has been irritated by the inflammation and water has accumulated. The severe pain will subside as soon as the therapy is effective and the inflammation subsides. Even after successful treatment, sperm production is limited.

This lasts for a few weeks and disappears again after complete regeneration of the testicles. In complicated cases, the symptoms can last much longer. In addition, other symptoms, such as difficult urination, can also occur.

As described above, the duration of the pain depends on the duration of the disease. On average it lasts about seven to ten days. The testicle is a sensitive organ that is supplied by numerous nerves.

The inflammatory reaction leads to an irritation of these nerves, which causes the severe pain. If the treatment is successful, the pain is reduced and disappears completely when the testicle heals. However, the patient does not have to endure this severe pain under any circumstances.

For this purpose he can have his doctor prescribe painkillers. The duration of the swelling usually takes a little longer. Even after successful treatment, the swelling can persist for a few days.

The inflammation of the testicles leads to a reaction of the tissue. Various messenger substances are released which dilate the vessels and increase their permeability. This is important so that more cells of the immune system can reach the site of the inflammation.

However, the increased vascular permeability also leads to increased water accumulation. The accumulation of water is then noticeable in the form of a swelling of the testicles. After the inflammation has been treated, the body needs some time to remove the excess water. .