How long does the fear of school last? | School Fear

How long does the fear of school last?

The duration of school phobia depends strongly on the cause and the extent of the problem. As a rule, it does not disappear on its own. However, if it is quickly recognized and the triggers are fought, it can disappear again after a few weeks. However, if the trigger remains and gnaws at the child’s physical and mental health, the fear of school may become worse and worse and persist until the child needs professional help.

What is the prognosis?

The prognosis varies from child to child and therefore there are no generally valid data. However, it is known that the two factors age and the severity of school anxiety significantly influence the prognosis. Children under 11 years of age, for example, have a treatment success rate of over 90% with only slight limitations, so they can usually be “cured” of their fear of school. Older children with a more severe form, on the other hand, more often develop a kind of personality disorder that accompanies them throughout their lives. Thus the fear of school disappears at some point, but the psychological impairment remains.

Where does the fear of school come from?

There are many reasons for a fear of everyday school life. Almost every child is afraid to go to school from time to time, for example just before a test or exam. To be distinguished from this are conflicts that cause a permanent fear of school and can make the child ill over time.

These are usually either social or performance-related fears. Typical social conflicts include bullying, the fear of embarrassment, fear of a teacher or low self-esteem and the problems associated with it. The children are afraid of these situations in everyday school life and do not feel up to the social challenges.

Especially shy and reserved characters are susceptible to these social fears. Another form of school anxiety is caused by the pressure to perform, which the children experience from teachers, parents or even themselves. Examination situations trigger a real panic in these children and they have great fears of failure.

This can be caused by strict parents and teachers and previous poor performance at school, but also children with good grades are often afraid of exams if they put too much pressure on themselves. Especially very insecure or very ambitious children are susceptible to this form of fear of school. Very often children who suffer from dyslexia are also afraid to go to school.

Stress due to possible failures makes them aggressive and sad. Another form of school anxiety is caused by the pressure to perform, which the children experience from teachers, parents or even themselves. Examination situations trigger a real panic in these children and they have great fears of failure.

This can be caused by strict parents and teachers and previous poor performance at school, but also children with good grades are often afraid of exams if they put too much pressure on themselves. Especially very insecure or very ambitious children are susceptible to this form of fear of school. Very often children who suffer from dyslexia are also afraid to go to school. Stress due to possible failures makes them aggressive and sad.