How long does the fever last? | Baby fever after vaccination

How long does the fever last?

The fever as a vaccination reaction usually occurs with a latency period of six hours after vaccination and subsides after about three days. This is a natural reaction of the immune system to the vaccine. If, however, the temperature continues to rise despite fever-reducing measures or if the infant shows abnormal behavior, a doctor should be consulted.

From when should one go to the doctor?

A normal vaccination reaction of the child’s body can consist in a local reaction at the injection site and in an increase of the body temperature up to 39°Celsius. If a further increase in temperature, cramps and/or vomiting occur, a doctor should be consulted urgently. Further warning signals are conspicuous changes in the infant’s behavior.

These include: The duration of the fever can last up to three days after vaccination. If the fever persists beyond that, a visit to a doctor is recommended. In general, the body temperature changes in the course of early childhood development.

Up to an age of three months, a doctor should be consulted if the temperature rises above 37.8°Celsius. A temperature of more than 38.2°Celsius may require a visit to the doctor for an infant between three and six months of age. For older children, fever above 39.2°Celsius is a reason to consult a doctor. An unusually rapid rise in body temperature is also alarming.

  • Constant whimpering and crying
  • Apathy
  • Physical weakness
  • Reduced drinking behaviour

Is it allowed to go outside with the baby who has fever after vaccination?

Fresh air is not harmful either in case of fever after vaccination or other diseases in baby age. Babies with fever should be dressed according to the season and not be wrapped too warm. A resting period for the baby only means that there should be no overexertion. A walk is completely harmless. Cool air can even help to lower the fever.