How long does the skin itch after shaving? | Skin itches after shaving

How long does the skin itch after shaving?

There is no general rule about how long the skin itches after shaving. Since this is a reaction of the skin to an irritation, the skin will continue to itch until the irritation is over. This can be a matter of a few minutes, but can also last for several hours or even days.

To prevent irritation after shaving, skin-compatible products should be used. Proper skin care after shaving is also important to reduce itching. If antipruritic or anti-itching products are applied, the itching should be relieved or disappear after a short time.

As soon as the skin shows such symptoms, shaving should generally be avoided for a few days, at least until the redness subsides and the skin no longer itches. In very severe cases, a razor burn and the accompanying itching of the skin can last for days or even weeks. Any further strain on the skin will inevitably aggravate the problem and lead to minor inflammation.

If the itching of the skin continues for more than a week and shows no improvement, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist (dermatologist), because an infection caused by pathogens cannot be excluded in these cases. In addition, most affected persons report the additional occurrence of small reddish shaving spots that persist for several days. The cause of this severe skin reaction is usually a lack of care after shaving.

Antibacterial after-shave balms can help to disinfect and soothe the skin. This is especially true after hair removal. One example is Dr. Severin Body After-Shave Balm from the pharmacy.

Products that soothe the skin and act against redness and inflammation can help to stop itching. For example, fenistilcreams can be used. These are applied directly to itchy and reddened skin and can soothe the itching.

In cases of severe itching, creams containing polidocanol can be obtained over the counter. Polidocanol numbs the skin superficially and can thus reduce the itching. If the irritation of the skin is very severe, creams containing cortisone – some of which are available over the counter from pharmacies – can be applied to the itchy areas of the skin.

Cortisone has an anti-inflammatory effect and thus stops itching. It should be noted, however, that these cortisone creams should not be applied in the intimate area and only with care on the face. To further soothe the skin, creams containing aloe vera can also help.

Aloe vera cools the skin, works against inflammation and can thus help to reduce itching. After shaving, the affected skin can be rubbed with juniper berry oil, which can be bought at the pharmacy or drugstore. This should be done twice a day until the irritated skin is calmed.

Envelopes – for example with diluted apple vinegar (one tablespoon to one liter of water) – can relieve the itching. An envelope with yogurt or quark on the affected skin areas can also help to reduce itching. The yoghurt or quark is washed off again after it has dried.

St. John’s wort oil can also soothe the skin after shaving. Evening primrose oil can also be applied to the itchy skin. During the period in which the itching persists, foods containing histamine such as cheese or tuna should be avoided.

Alcohol drinking and smoking, which can prolong the inflammation and thus the itching, should also be paused. Which household remedy has an effect must be tested individually, as not every remedy provides relief for all. In order to prevent the phenomenon of itching after shaving, it is recommended to take care not to remove the hairs against their natural direction of growth during shaving.

Particular attention should be paid to the areas of the cheeks and chin. To prevent skin irritation and the development of a shaving burn, the blades of the razor must be replaced at regular intervals.Disposable razors should really only be used once, because there is nothing worse for the skin than the mere exiting of the hair by blurred razor blades. In addition, one should always take care not to put too much pressure on the skin with the razor, this is not necessary with sharp razor blades and damages the skin surface enormously. Furthermore, people with sensitive skin should make sure that the corresponding areas are already creamed before shaving.