How much is Kijimea®? | Kijimea®

How much is Kijimea®?

Kijimea® Immun is sold in three sizes: 7 pieces, 14 pieces or 28 pieces content. 7 pieces cost at least 11,69€. 14 pieces are sold from 20,98€.

28 pieces can be purchased for 36,47€. Kijimea® Derma and Kijimea Irritable Bowel are sold in packs of 14 pieces, 28 pieces and 84 pieces content. 14 pieces are sold from 11,66€.

28 pieces cost at least 21,18€ and 84 pieces are available for at least 55,99€. Kijimea® Basis 10 is offered in only one package size. The package with 28 times 2 grams content is available for 36,76€. The prices refer to online pharmacies, shipping costs are not included.

How does Kijimea® work?

The effect of Kijimea® has been confirmed by studies. How exactly the bacteria work is still partially unclear, depending on the product. The bifidobacterium B. bifidum MIMBb75 contained in Kijimea® Irritable Bowel binds together and lies like a layer on the intestinal wall.

This is also referred to as a kind of “patch”, as the bacteria cover the cracks in the intestinal wall. Kijimea® Basis 10 develops its effect by rebuilding the intestinal flora. The missing bacteria are transported by the medication into the intestine and settle there.

A prerequisite for the effectiveness is, of course, that exactly the bacteria contained in Kijimea® Basis 10 are also missing. The exact mode of action of Kijimea® Immun and Derma is not described. The manufacturer speaks of “specific microcultures”, but does not specify in what form they have an effect on the intestinal immune system.

Side effects

There are no known side effects with Kijimea®. Since it is probiotic bacteria, there are no negative consequences for health. With Kijimea® Immun and Kijimea® Basis 10, some people may experience temporary flatulence. This is due to the bacteria settling in the intestines and usually disappears again after a few days. If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, or if other symptoms are added, a doctor should be consulted.