How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedies against allergies

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

The frequency and length of use of household remedies depends on the type and severity of the allergy. Allergies are often chronic, i.e. persisting over a long period of time. Therefore it is recommended with many household remedies to use these again and again if it is noticeable improvement thereby.

  • Hot ginger can be used several times a day without hesitation in the form of a self-prepared tea.
  • A full bath with peppermint once a day is sufficient.
  • Inhalation with fennel oil should not be more than twice a day.

Home remedies as sole measure or supportive therapy?

Whether or not a treatment of the allergy should only be done with home remedies depends on the severity of the allergic symptoms. If it is a light allergy, a lot can be gained by avoiding the allergy-causing substance. If symptoms do occur, they can be treated by using household remedies. However, if the pain persists, another therapy should be used in addition.

Other therapies

From the orthodox medical point of view, there are various treatment options. These include so-called antihistamines, which are mainly used for acutely occurring symptoms. Furthermore, there is the specific immunotherapy, which is also called hyposensitization. Here, the body is repeatedly exposed to the allergen, i.e. the allergy-causing substance, in an attenuated form over a longer period of time. This can lead to an adaptation of the immune reaction to the substance in many affected persons.

When do I have to go to the doctor?

A doctor does not have to be consulted for every allergy. However, in many cases it is advisable to consult a doctor. This is the case, for example, if there is uncertainty about the type of allergy.

An allergologist, i.e. a specialist in allergies, can carry out appropriate tests. This is important in order to adjust your daily routine accordingly. In addition, a doctor should be consulted if there is severe pain and discomfort when breathing in order to prevent swelling of the airways.