How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy against fever

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

The frequency and length of use of home remedies depends on the severity and type of fever. In general, it is recommended that the household remedies are used as consistently as possible in order to effectively combat the fever at an early stage. It is also always important to take care to take sufficient care and drink enough fluids. The household remedies can also be used for other treatments or, for example, the use of paracetamol. When the fever subsides, the frequency of use can be adjusted accordingly.

Lower fever in children

Fever in children should be well looked after and taken seriously in time. Children are more susceptible to various infectious diseases, which are often accompanied by fever. If fever occurs in children, the temperature should be taken at least three times a day to know the course and possible rise of the fever.

In children, fever is defined as a rise in temperature above 38.5°C, in infants under three months of age, the temperature is 38°C. In order to reduce the fever in children, the regulation of temperature should be supported. Light clothing, preferably made of cotton, is suitable for this purpose, as is the use of calf compresses.

Care should be taken to ensure that the temperature of the soaked water is body temperature or lukewarm to avoid additional sweating or shivering. It is also very important that the child drinks enough, since fever is accompanied by a loss of fluid. Sufficient bed rest should also be provided to ensure that the body can recover sufficiently. Food should also not be neglected; light meals such as soup or potatoes and carrots are preferable to protect the child’s digestion.

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy?

If fever occurs, treatment with home remedies can be attempted as the sole therapy. It is important that the household remedies are used consistently and that additional fever-reducing measures are taken. These include above all bed rest and sufficient drinking of water. However, if the fever does not get better or even worse after three days, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible. The treatment should be adjusted accordingly, whereby the household remedies can continue to be used as support.