How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy against high blood pressure

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

Most of the household remedies listed above can be used over a long period of time without any concerns.

  • For the optimal effect of the different teas, they should be drunk twice a day.
  • It should be noted that valerian, for example, can have a very relaxing and soporific effect, which is why it should be taken mainly in the evening.
  • Care should be taken with the Rauwolfia root, as it can lead to severe side effects.

Treatment of the disease only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy?

High blood pressure is a serious disease. It affects many people and unfortunately often goes undetected. On the one hand, high blood pressure can cause many other diseases and on the other hand it can also cause serious consequential damage. Therefore, adequate and consistent treatment should be given as soon as hypertension is diagnosed by a doctor. Home remedies can play a supporting role, but they should not be regarded as the only therapy.

When do I have to go to the doctor?

Although high blood pressure is one of the most common diseases, it often goes unnoticed for a long time because symptoms rarely occur. Therefore, the diagnosis is often made during a routine examination by the family doctor. If high blood pressure is suspected, it can also be checked independently by regularly checking the blood pressure values. Afterwards, the patient should see a doctor, as high blood pressure should be clarified and adjusted by a doctor.

Lowering blood pressure: Which foods should be avoided?

A balanced diet plays an important role in preventing high blood pressure or its progression. In a simplified way, one can follow the diet of the Mediterranean region.

  • Accordingly, the sufficient consumption of fruit and vegetables is of paramount importance.
  • Juice should also be freshly pressed, for example, as the finished juices often contain too much sugar.
  • Fiber is also important to ensure a healthy supply of nutrients.

    Therefore the consumption of whole grain products and rice is recommended.

  • Fatty foods, on the other hand, should be avoided, as they can lead to fattyness of the vessels. These include butter, sausage, oil and processed cheese.
  • Fast food also contains a high proportion of fat, which promotes the development of arteriosclerosis.
  • Another important topic is salt. It leads to an increase in blood pressure in the body and should therefore be taken with caution.

    In case of an existing blood pressure, an intake of 5g per day is recommended.

One of the most important risk factors for the development of high blood pressure is overweight. With already existing blood high pressure this is worsened also additionally by predominance. An excessive body weight leads to an increased load and damage of the blood vessels.

The cardiovascular system also becomes less resilient due to overweight. Therefore, reducing body weight through a balanced diet and exercise is an important means of counteracting high blood pressure. Smoking is one of the most important risk factors leading to a long-term increase in blood pressure.This leads to a direct increase in blood pressure during smoking and to damage to the blood vessels.

The damage to the vessels also promotes the development of arteriosclerosis and other diseases. Therefore, a smoking cessation should be started with heavy smokers. Various supporting programs are available for this purpose.

The regular drinking of large quantities of alcohol has a negative effect on the body’s cardiovascular system. In the long term, the blood vessels are damaged, which can lead to the development or progression of high blood pressure. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that alcohol is consumed in moderation. It is recommended not to drink more than two glasses of beer or wine per day. For women, this recommendation is even only for one glass, as they usually weigh less than men.