How often and how long should I use the household remedies? | Home remedy for abdominal pain

How often and how long should I use the household remedies?

Home remedies can be used for different lengths of time and with different frequency, depending on the type of remedy and symptoms.

  • The caraway oil and olive oil are well suited for use over a short period of a few weeks. In the long term, oils should rather be absorbed through the processed food.
  • A hot-water bottle can be used as often and as long as you take care not to burn your skin.

Treatment of abdominal pain only with home remedies or only as supportive therapy?

Abdominal pain is in many cases harmless and can often only be treated with home remedies. One of the most common causes is irritable bowel syndrome, which responds well to heat and light food. If frequent diarrhea occurs, for example due to a gastrointestinal infection, it is recommended to buy additional medication from the pharmacy. Occasionally, more dangerous causes are also responsible for the stomach pain. In these cases, household remedies should only be used as a support.

When do I have to go to the doctor?

The question of when to go to the doctor with abdominal pain is relatively complex, as there can be many harmless, but also many dangerous causes for these complaints. If the abdominal pain persists for more than three days without improvement, a visit to the doctor should definitely be made. There are other warning signs that speak for a medical examination. These include: Even severe pain in the lower abdomen should, if it is not menstrual pain, be promptly examined by a doctor.

  • Severe vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

Which alternative therapy can still help?

  • Massages can help very well with stomach aches. A possible form of this is, for example, acupressure, which, similar to acupuncture, focuses on different points of the energy flow of the organs.
  • But also a self-executed massage of the irritated and aching abdomen can be helpful. Slow and even circular movements are performed around the navel.

    The massage can be supported by oils such as lavender or thyme.

  • Furthermore, it is very important to lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle. This includes, for example, abstaining from nicotine and alcohol, as these products contain substances that are harmful to the digestive tract. Coffee, too, can lead to an excessive promotion of digestion.
  • If you have an easily irritable stomach, light food should be taken. This includes bananas and apples, as well as chicken and potatoes. Also sufficient sport promotes the blood circulation in the intestine.